
Home karaoke party setup do's and dont's?

Your comments, questions, or opinions on any karaoke related hardware.
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Post by mnementh »

Guys, guys, guys!!!

Pretty please pull in the horns a bit.

It's hardy going to give the Op "Groovegal" confidence if we're battling among ourselves.

If some one wants cheap and cheerful against mega expensive, at the end of the day they'll get the system they deserve.

I've said on more than one occasion that most alcolhol available venues will have a fair share of drunks who couldn't care less how the system sounds as long as they can caterwhal to their hearts content, usually loudly and very much out of tune. :roll:

However, that's not to say that we won't get a job at the National Philharmonic, where even the tea boy has an earhole made of solid gold and can hear a pin drop at 100 paces. In that case, we should certainly bring forward the best we have available to us.

It's different horses for different courses and who's to say which is definitively the best?

If my fellow Scot fae "The Lang Toun" will forgive me one nitpick;

"Bucket Brigade"? Really?

I thought Bucket Brigade chips died the death about 20 years ago.

The last one I used was an SAD1024 and that cost me over £5 about 10 years ago. They are damn nearly collectors items now.

Pretty much all delays digitise the audio and use RAM these days.


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Post by Bigdog »

I know the type and quality of the equipment I use as compared to my competition....that said

I have had nonsingers come up to me within a few minutes of listening to my system and tell me what a difference they hear between mine ond other systems they have heard.

When a dedicated nonsinger can hear the difference in a few minutes....that says something.

Most of the singers I know can hear the difference and in the early days when the tracks were not the quality they are today which is why most of the early companies went out of business, people didn't want to sing along with their crappy sounding versions. The entire karaoke business or attitude has only increased with companies competeing to produce the best sounding tracks they can make.

Someone must be able to tell the difference...

Any KJ or home user that doesn't care about sound quality ...can't hear and doesn't care...they demonstrate it all the time. Every KJ I know and know about that wanted to get into karaoke as cheaply as possible...went out of business quicker than they went in to business. Now they have a basement full of crappy to begin with, used equipment nobody wants...

Buying cheap will surely lead to always advice is you get what you pay the highest quality you can afford the first time. It will save you lots of money in the long run...

Did you buy the cheapest TV you could find? The cheapest surround sound system you could buy? The cheapest stereo equipment you can buy?

Or did you do some comparisons and read a lot of reviews...?
Why should your home karaoke system be any different...unless you aren't really that into karaoke and how you or your friends sound? Are you going to buy the crappiest karaoke tracks to play on your crappy karaoke system too...? If your friends are just a bunch of screaming drunks...nothing matters...go cheap....if you only sing when you get drunk...go cheap...
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Post by Bigdog »

and nobody uses echo effects....99% use reverb on the vocals...
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