
New KJ, I have some questions

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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by Bigdog »

wiseguy wrote:
Bigdog wrote:Trump is a successful business man...first and foremost.... Being in the billionaire club makes him so. He didn't get that rich by being stupid. He did what every other successful billionaire did...he used the system to his advantage. That said he contribututed to both political parties to try and benefit him. Same as every other person that contributes to his candidate of choice.... People are swarming to Trump because of his success hoping he can use his success to benefit the entire country, That is fed up with the crap that's been going on in Washington for way too long. The dems are away the farm just to buy votes to keep their jobs because their crappy political record can't do it.

O had seven years to do anything...he failed...Obamacare is the biggest failure... All the insurance companies are requesting 25% or more increases for next year.....people that couldn't afford it this year...will never afford it next what good is it? It was a full time job killer. It created a bunch of 20 hour part time jobs. That will fix the 19 trillion dollar debt. Let's give away more freebies so they ignore our failures.

Keeping a democrat in office will destroy the country even more than it already has... Lying Hilary is not the answer. An idiot should be able to see that...
An idiot is one who would spew out all the bullshit you just posted. Trump made his money buy ripping people off and paying no taxes. Why do you think he refuses to release his tax returns? How do you like paying a billionaire's taxes for him... because that's just what you've been doing. You're a fool if you think Trump gives a shit about this country. He is out only for himself just like he always has been. And "people" are not swarming to Trump. Uneducated, easily manipulated, fools are swarming to Trump.
I will gladly pay the taxes of billionaires that use their money to create jobs, than have my money wasted on giving freebies to lazy people so the dems can get reelected... I'd rather burn my money than to give it to illegals, and lazy welfare bums. Without this country trump doesn't get as big as he did...he cares more than the far left democommies trying to dismantle the constitution. He is a very smart businessman and he can't be any worse than the idiots in office now... I want the country George Washington wanted not what Stalin wanted. Socialism/communism is a failure and we're heading down that road full speed ahead... It's time to put on the brakes...and reverse course. The Far left is not going to achieve that EVER.

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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by wiseguy »

Bigdog wrote:I will gladly pay the taxes of billionaires that use their money to create jobs, than have my money wasted on giving freebies to lazy people so the dems can get reelected... I'd rather burn my money than to give it to illegals, and lazy welfare bums. Without this country trump doesn't get as big as he did...he cares more than the far left democommies trying to dismantle the constitution. He is a very smart businessman and he can't be any worse than the idiots in office now... I want the country George Washington wanted not what Stalin wanted. Socialism/communism is a failure and we're heading down that road full speed ahead... It's time to put on the brakes...and reverse course. The Far left is not going to achieve that EVER.
Bigdog, you are a totally hopeless case. Nothing you believe is based in reality. There are things called facts that completely disprove what you think to be true. I don't know how you let yourself be duped to this point but I doubt you will ever be able to burst out of that bubble you occupy. Trump will never be president and people like you will be left behind while the rest of the world moves forward.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by Bigdog »

Polls are showing President Trump gaining on Hilary everyday. The FBI is getting closer to arresting Hilary.... That's why Sanders is hanging in. Hilary is slipping to Sanders in the polls also... Trump will be YOUR President.... And America will be great again.... The constituion will be preserved for future generations....the freebies killing our national debt will end. Democracy will prevail over the commies.... Once again....
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by wiseguy »

Bigdog wrote:Polls are showing President Trump gaining on Hilary everyday. The FBI is getting closer to arresting Hilary.... That's why Sanders is hanging in. Hilary is slipping to Sanders in the polls also... Trump will be YOUR President.... And America will be great again.... The constituion will be preserved for future generations....the freebies killing our national debt will end. Democracy will prevail over the commies.... Once again....
The fact that you're so sure gives me increased confidence of a Democratic victory... because YOU ARE ALWAYS WRONG!
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by Paradigm Karaoke »

Bigdog wrote: I will gladly pay the taxes of billionaires that use their money to create jobs

these are jobs Americans should be doing, but he is taking your tax money to pay China and Mexico to make his stuff. he is creating jobs, just not here.
Bigdog wrote:, than have my money wasted on giving freebies to lazy people so the dems can get reelected... I'd rather burn my money than to give it to illegals, and lazy welfare bums.
illegals, yes i completely agree...welfare helps a lot more than bums. i have needed help once in the past. helped me get a fresh start and eventually build my karaoke business so i am self sufficient. problem with welfare? go after walmart, they took 6.2 BILLION last year just to give welfare assistance to their employees who are all under the poverty line....way under and that is with 64.2 BILLION kept overseas in a Luxembourg tax haven with ZERO walmart stores in that country or even on that continent.. Add all them up and these companies cost 163 BILLION per year while getting write offs by (in walmarts case) giving execs like the CEO (who got a $56 Million bonus) bonuses that cut their taxes by 104 Million. they can also get breaks for relocating jobs and many have relocated them overseas to cheaper labor so we get the opposite effect of what we need. twice REPS have shot down the bring jobs home act "The Bring Jobs Home Act would have eliminated the standard deduction for moving expenses for businesses relocating overseas. It also would have given a 20 percent tax credit to companies who insource jobs."
Bigdog wrote: Without this country trump doesn't get as big as he did
correction...without his dad who gave him his real estate company (already worth $200 million) and then gave him another $100 million inheritance (some sources show $200m, but lets loball)
Bigdog wrote:he cares more than the far left democommies trying to dismantle the constitution.
cares about what? not people and jobs here...go back to your first point and see.
[quote="Bigdog"He is a very smart businessman and he can't be any worse than the idiots in office now...[/quote]
we are loaded with idiots right now for sure on both sides of the party fence.
Bigdog wrote: I want the country George Washington wanted
G.W. said that political parties would be the undoing of this country. he was independent and did not belive in parties for the very issue we see today. many will vote for a party and not a person. "if it is between a (insert party here) or a pomegranate....i'm voting for the fruit!" you want what G.W. envisioned, vote independent.
Bigdog wrote: not what Stalin wanted.
Stalin was going for comunism and everything he did was to that end. we do not have communist ideas going around right now.
Bigdog wrote: Socialism/communism is a failure and we're heading down that road full speed ahead... It's time to put on the brakes...and reverse course. The Far left is not going to achieve that EVER.
i assume you are referring to Sanders... socialist democracies (read everything and that is what he proposed to a "T") work very well, just askj Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, Denmark, Sweden, Germany, Finland, France, Switzerland, Portugal, Italy all whom have lower debt than us, higher education levels than us, better health care than us (last year over 640,000 people filed bankruptcy citing medical expenses as the number one reason in the U.S. but not one single filing in any of those countries) more small business than us, flat tax brackets...
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by wiseguy »

You're relaying facts to Bigdog??? He has no use for facts. You must tell him what he wants to believe if you expect him to accept it. Make up anything you want as long as it fits inside his bubble of delusion... you know, like Trump does. And make sure you always talk to him at a 5th grade level... you know, like Trump does... so he doesn't have to think too much. Oh yea... and toss in some insane conspiracy theories because he eats them up.

You see, he belongs to a new breed of low information voters who are also willfully ignorant.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by The Lone Ranger »

8) The primary election here in California at least on the Democratic side has narrowed. Hillary once had a double digit lead and now her and Bernie are running neck and neck. If she loses California it will feed into the idea that she is a weak candidate and will cause some hand wringing on the Progressive side. The party needs to unify to beat Trump I don't see that happening until after the convention. There is still plenty of time, but the nagging e-mail problem continues,with no resolution in sight.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by wiseguy »

The Lone Ranger wrote:8) The primary election here in California at least on the Democratic side has narrowed. Hillary once had a double digit lead and now her and Bernie are running neck and neck. If she loses California it will feed into the idea that she is a weak candidate and will cause some hand wringing on the Progressive side. The party needs to unify to beat Trump I don't see that happening until after the convention. There is still plenty of time, but the nagging e-mail problem continues,with no resolution in sight.
I see it as if she loses California it will feed into the idea that Sanders is the stronger candidate. He is the best choice to smoke Trump in the general. The superdelegates are slowly coming around to realizing this. I don't think they will still support Clinton if the email deal is not settled by the time of the convention.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by The Lone Ranger »

I've done what I can and cast my vote for Bernie. It is time for a change and his positions on health care, education, making the rich pay their fair share, global warming, fixing our safety net, and repairing our crumbling nation all are things I can get behind.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by Bigdog »

Ok several things....welfare bums are people that are totally healthy that refuse to find legal employment. That stay on welfare for generations...

Now watch the linked video to see a few of the many reasons why Hilary is toast.... We shouldn't even be talking about her because of all her self created problems which are going to come back to bite her really bigly.... She's history...PRESIDENT TRUMP will see to it... ... show-clips

And before you start the judge is no dummy....he is highly educated and knows the law... Goodbye Hilary.... Woo HOO :lol:
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by Bigdog »

One more thing....Sanders is a Senator....don't you think he just might be staying around because he has secret info about the Hilary investigation? Wake up people she's done..... Someone has told him not to quit because of where she's going..... I hope she ends up with a nice cell mate..
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by wiseguy »

until the convention
Bigdog wrote:Ok several things....welfare bums are people that are totally healthy that refuse to find legal employment. That stay on welfare for generations...

Now watch the linked video to see a few of the many reasons why Hilary is toast.... We shouldn't even be talking about her because of all her self created problems which are going to come back to bite her really bigly.... She's history...PRESIDENT TRUMP will see to it... ... show-clips

And before you start the judge is no dummy....he is highly educated and knows the law... Goodbye Hilary.... Woo HOO :lol:
Fox news :lol: Another reason you're so misinformed. Fox does not deal in facts... they deal in right wing propaganda. Con man Donald is a pathological liar. He doesn't have anything new on Clinton. The top of the Republican leadership has been trying to get something to stick on Hillary for years. They went as far as to falsify information on Benghazi.

It's con man Donald who is in deep shit. He is facing RICO charges for the Trump university fraud. These can land him in a federal prison for 5 years or more. Beyond this he is already starting to self implode. The media has just begin to hold him accountable for all his lies and he freaked out calling the media a bunch of racists and calling his campaign staff a bunch of idiots. He says one stupid f#cking thing after another. He is incapable of managing his own narcissistic compulsions.

Hillary Clinton will be our next president.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by wiseguy »

Bigdog wrote:One more thing....Sanders is a Senator....don't you think he just might be staying around because he has secret info about the Hilary investigation? Wake up people she's done..... Someone has told him not to quit because of where she's going..... I hope she ends up with a nice cell mate..
More conspiracy bullshit. Sanders has been holding out because there was still as chance he could win the nomination... period. After losing California you will see him concede the nomination within a few days.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by Bigdog »

The dirt just keeps on coming.... Dirty crooked Hilary.... How can normal smart people continue to back her? Shows how really stupid smart people can be fooled and brainwashed.... Lie upon lie told over and over becomes believable after a while... Our country is doomed....young people haven't a clue as to what's in store for them.... But they think they're getting a bunch of free stuff.. :lol: ... 64942.html
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by Bigdog »

More just keeps coming. ... 44373.html

Hilary Corrupt for president ...

PResident Trump will eat her for breakfast, lunch and dinner.....she'll wish sanders went up against him...
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