
downloading songs

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downloading songs

Post by Babs »

I've downloaded 18,900 songs to my new Cavs machine. Although it seems not many of you are familiar with the machine I thought you could still help because the question is more related to the transference of songs to a hard drive. I transfered the songs from one hard drive to the internal hard drive on the machine. The machine is recognizing all the songs, but will only play 12,979 of them. I went into windows and checked to make sure all the files were there. The songs definitely were downloaded correctly. Could I have a corrupt file? And can one corrupt file prevent the rest from playing?
Once I get all my bugs worked out with my new system (Cavs jukebox) I hope to be help to others who have questions on the forum. But right now I'm in karaoke learning he!!. Thank you for any insight. :D

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