
Helping your Competition.

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Helping your Competition.

Post by Bigdog »

How much are you willing to help a KJ that is your direct competition? Competing for the same area jobs as you.

Will you tell them your nightly rate, if they don't know it already?

Will you help them with technical problems?

Would help someone go in to direct competition with you. Like advice on how to start a karaoke business.

Would you warn them about certain bad news bars/bar owners?

Would you refer jobs to them?

I know many KJs. I am friends with many of them. Some are big time enemies too. And we are all trying to land the same jobs within a 20-25 mile area. Some live close by and others live on the out-skirts of the target area. The area is pretty saturated. I have seen many fall by the way side.

Pepsi doesn't tell Coke how to out sell them. They are competeting for the same consumer dollars. Usually you drink one or the other, not both.

In a perfect world... :lol: it sounds like a nice idea. But I'm selective about how much help I am willing to give out and to whom I give it. I have worked very hard to learn the lessons I have accumulated.

Some of these KJs can't keep jobs. Some will undercut their Grandmothers. Some hate what I have going on. (Jealousy)

I'm not saying I never help anyone. Even though we may be friends, it's still a rivalry for money. I don't know anyone that makes too much money.

In training some employees and giving away my knowledge, they have backstabbed me and gone into business as my competition. I refuse to talk to or help any of them. Don't bend over to pick up the soap... 8)

Posts: 341
Joined: Fri Nov 24, 2006 12:47 am
Location: Jackson, WI

Post by letitrip »

Good questions!! I'll take them one at a time.

Would I tell them my rate? No. That's personal business between me and the client. I don't share that information with anyone other than my wife. It's not a competition thing, more of an idealistic thing. I don't believe it's anyone else's business to know.

Would I help them with technical problems? Sure, but it depends on their receptiveness. Some folks get offended or territorial if you try to show them a better way to run their rig. However, I have taken the opportunity to show some KJ's how to set the channel EQ's on their console to fit a particular singer or better overall response. I've even gone so far as to give a quick 10 minute impromtu lesson on gain structure to one KJ who was very eager to learn how to mix properly.

Would I help someone with info on how to start a buisness? Depending on how I was approached, probably. I don't mind competition. While our area may have a lot of KJ's, I know my clients and they understand the quality of show they get from me. I also know that if I lose one, I can find another pretty easily with connections that I have through friends. In the end, having to compete with someone is going to challenge me to not be complacent and always try to improve myself.

Would I warn them about "bad" bar owners? Probably not. My experience that makes me thing an owner is bad, might just be my experience. They could end up having a great experience with the same person so I wouldn't want to badmouth a bar owner. Besides, why burn bridges like that. Even if I think the owner is a total rag, I still prefer to keep my options open rather than let it get back to them that I've been bad-mouthing them to other KJ's.

Would I refer jobs to them? Yes, as long as I have no conflicts with them and know they do good work. I've done this a number of times. Makes me look good to the potential client when I can tell them "I can't do it but here's someone that might be able to". Also it's good for me as a chip to put in my back pocket. Maybe down the road I'll get a referral back or they'll need a backup and call me or whatever. It doesn't hurt me if I couldn't do the show anyway, so why not refer them to someon I know is good and might pay benefit for me later.
Let It Rip Karaoke
DJ Tony
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