
Would You Retaliate?

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Would You Retaliate?

Post by Bigdog »

If you got screwed by a bar owner, would you retaliate if it was in your power?

Posts: 341
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Location: Jackson, WI

Post by letitrip »

Nope, word gets around. You're not giving us much to go on here, but in general, if a bad story about you gets around it will affect your reputation and future gigs (no matter how spotless you think you are in other people's eyes). Reputation, as you know, is way too important in this line of work to be risked over something as stupid as vengance.
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DJ Tony
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Post by Bigdog »

Ever walk in to your job and know that you are really being watched?

I usually can tell if I'm being scoped out by another "stranger KJ." (unknown to me)

The first indication was a big white van outside that is only used to haul band/dj/kj equipment.

Second was the stranger sitting there that came to another one on my jobs the week before and was asking some entertainment business related questions. On my first trip in his back was turned away from the set up area. After the next trip he turned around to watch where I put everything.

Third was the brand new flat screen TV that I hooked up to last week. The coax cable that goes to the TV used to have a push-on connector on it (That I put there) was removed. Now nobody in this world has any reason to remove that push on except someone that wants to screw with me.

During my set up I noticed a couple that are in a band that plays in the bar on a regular basis. They never stay for the start of karaoke. tonight they where there 1 1/2 hours. At which time the guy (6 foot 4) comes up with an attitude and tells me to turn down the music. :shock: I told him I need to fill the room. He tells me that he's a "musician" and plays bass and that I need to listen to him because I'm (me) is a musician wannabe. He then turns and tells me that he's going to call the owner. I held up my phone and said go ahead. At this point he calls me a "fag." I quess I was supposed to be all up set and start a fight. Which is probably exactly what he wanted me to do.

He went back to his seat and I went to the bartender (the owners daughter) and relayed what just happened and I told her she had 5 minutes to pick who was going to remain. Him or me. She told me to hold on.

I played another song and again went to her and asked who was staying. She again put me off. I played another song and asked her again. She said that he was her moms best friend and that she couldn't tell him to leave. :evil:

I said bye. Announced the name of the guy that just finished singing and shut down the system. This is at 11 oclock and the bar is full. Many people had yet to sing their first song.

Now I need to back up a minute. She is one of the bars that got the notice that I am terminating all smoking bars as of March 1st. That gives them a 4 week notice, a professional courtesy on my part.

The owner comes in and takes me into the kitchen and starts screaming about our "working relationship." I still don't know yet if she was called by her daughter or someone else. But she ran up and down the bar yelling and whining to everyone that the reason I was quitting tonight was because of the smoking. Which had absolutely nothing to do with it.

It had to do with her "best friend" that acted like an a$$hole and I wasn't going to take anymore of it.

The stranger left before all the ruckus started. Still don't know who or what his deal is. The van, I believe belongs to the best friends band. I am convinced that I was set up by the owner. I think the band people were there to cover in case I didn't show. They probably don't draw as many people. The girl (lead singer) practically fell off her stool, drunk as a skunk. He walked past me 2 more times calling me a "fag." :D :? Must be stuck in his seventies dope related mentality.

The bar owner told me she should have fired me when she got the letter. Now that makes a lot of sense. :roll:

There are some people "smokers" that actually believe her rantings about the smoking being the reason I walked. So they may not follow me to other jobs now. Some know what really happened and said I did the right thing.

I have learned from other A$$hole incidents that the owners, sometimes can not be counted on to take care of the situation. They keep saying they will handle it and the offender keeps doing what they do best. I have given bar owners in the past too much credit and the problem still existed.

I have now adopted the "1 strike you're out" rule related to A$$holes. You get a 5 minute warning to end the problem before I take the action that I feel is necessary for me and my safety. Which means that I will be leaving as fast as I can pack up.

I didn't get paid for the time I spent that evening. But I consider it part of the deal. The A$$hole cost her income because many people left before I did. If she has a new KJ many of my people will not be there. He will have a hard time reviving the night.

I predict an end of the bar by next year at this time. I predict the karaoke night will be totally ruined in 2 months with the new KJ. Unless they have a fantastic smoking crowd of singers. Anything is possible.
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