
This could get really bad. (Not a Joke)

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This could get really bad. (Not a Joke)

Post by Bigdog » ... flu_mexico

100 dead in 1000 cases :shock: :shock: :shock:

I don't like the odds at all.

People are staying away from all public gathering places....

Keep your fingers crossed that this doesn't go global. If it does we're screwed big time. If we live to tell about it.

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Post by Sabrina59 »

I wonder what the number of cases would be if they weren't turning people away.

From what I have heard, though, Mexico is the only country to have fatalities from this.

I just heard on the news last night that we now have a suspected case here in the area; a person who had vacationed in Mexico. I'm watching this, but I'm not overly concerned at the moment. We had our usually crowd Saturday, so it hasn't affected business yet.
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Post by Bigdog »

I don't think it will effect the shows just yet, but it needs watching to see how fast this spreads to other areas.
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Post by Bigdog »

I was just reading some comments some other place and there are actually idiots out there that think this is nothing and they have a vaccine for it. :roll: or will next week. :lol:

WRONG....They just said it's a brand new virus that's a combination of Swine Flu, Bird Flu and Regular Flu.

It will take at least a year or more to figure out a vaccine and maybe longer to have enough doses to treat everyone. So no will depend on your body's ability to fight it off.

Good Luck.

I said it before and I'll say it again. Stay out of Mexico. You didn't lose anything there. And I don't want to leave the Good old USA for any reason.

2009 and you still can't drink the water. :shock: Doesn't that give you a clue about your personal health safety? :roll: :wink:
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Post by mnementh »

I bet your Press is exactly the same as our Press and the old adage rules;


The Press will play up all the bad aspects of things like this as Joe Public laps it up like cats do Catnip.

Like Terrorism, the chances of you, or anyone you actually know being affected by this outbreak is monumentally low.

Forget it and get on with your life! You're a long time dead!

After you guys had 911 and we had the London Underground fiasco, our Government has implemented all kinds of "Big Brother" legislation that is being used and mainly abused in ways it was never intended.

The UK is without a doubt, the most spied on country in the World and by it's own Government.

More CCTV cameras per head of population than any other country.

Legislation going through right now to force ISP's to keep records of every email and URL visited by their users for 1 year.

Trust me, Swine Flu, like all the other "Pandemics" will disappear as if it had never been.

Enjoy your life.

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Post by Bigdog »

Sunday night a regular came in. I went over to shake hands and he doesn't and says "I think I have the swine flu." :shock: the bar owner saw and heard this.

I told him he isn't singing. He thought I was kidding and I repeated it.

He even came up later and wanted to sing. I told him no.

Was I right or wrong???

I don't care if he's mad and doesn't come back.

We have had some serious late night parking lot talks. He's 21er and I'm trying to mentor him. He had a cocaine problem. Maybe still does. But he also drinks a lot. I'm trying but that only goes as far as someone wants to be open to change.

What would you do???
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Post by DanG2006 »

I would have done exactly what you did.
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Post by Sabrina59 »

I would have done the same thing as well. I do hope you explained your reasons to him, though.

Do any of you use disinfectant wipes on your mics?
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Post by Bigdog »

Wipes won't clean up accidental spit... :sing: :lol:

Where you been hiding??? :roll:
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Post by wiseguy »

You must boil your microphones for at least 15 minutes to kill all the viruses. :)
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Post by Sabrina59 »

We have a local KJ who makes a big deal out of the fact that she has antibacterial wipes for her mics and uses them after each singer. I'm thinking it doesn't do a heck of a lot.

It would be nice if people would learn they don't have to swallow the mic for it to work. There was a singer the other night that rested the mic on her upper lip the entire time she sang ... it was touching her nose of course. Can you say yuck?!?!

No one uses my mic at my show. And my mic is always the last one used at the show I go to. He'll hand out the other three first. Of course, what happens on the nights I'm not there, I don't know ... therefor it doesn't hurt me. :lol:
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Post by mnementh »

I cheat and use a headband mike, so no one gets it. :mrgreen:

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Post by Sabrina59 »

I have something like that on my wish list. Then I wouldn't have to pick up a mic to talk. I know ... laziness at it's best! :redface:
Sabrina the Cat
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