
Bar owner karaoke education campaign

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Bar owner karaoke education campaign

Post by Bigdog »

If we could organise a national campaign to educate bar owners about the differences between a KJ that could increase their business or one that will hurt it, bad KJs would either shape up or ship out. In theory.....

Point out the stupid things to look out for. Exactly what it will mean to their income.

I know it won't be easy, but if it works things would really change.

We could be rid of the blight KJs and maybe, just maybe we could actually start to get the money we deserve.

The preceived notion of karaoke as being a joke form of entertainment could improve.

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Post by Sabrina59 »

Sounds great, in theory. But how do we do that, Master Po?
Sabrina the Cat
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Post by Bigdog »

Well.......I'm open to suggestions on a practical way to do it. :shock:

Maybe it could be done in a mass mailing from our newly formed national karaoke organisation against bad KJs. (NKOABK) With our dedicated mission to inform and educate bar owners of the dangers to their income potential from such creatures. :D

Members of the organisation could hoof it to local bars with a packet of information for each bar owner. Giving them a short presentation.

I think bar owners might appreciate the gesture in these economic times.

Make an appointment to sit down and one-on-one the owner with your money making ideas.

Or it could be done in a seminar type situation.

Either way it would show a concerted effeort on our part to help them make more money. And to improve our ranks with a professional appearance. Who could object to that?

A well educated bar owner could put an end to lots of bad KJs instantly.

A few examples of situations that kill business would be all it takes. See your money leaving?

Examples of how favoritism kills business. How a crappy system kills business.

As the bad KJs shape up or ship out our earnings potential climbs. No 2 bit jerks undercutting you.

Do you think it would scare any questionable KJs into better behavior and a system upgrade? Or into quitting. :twisted:

If bar owners stop hiring these jerks, they can't stay in business.

The best would be having names of people that quit coming to their bar because of the jerk KJ. Or a list of money losing complaints about their KJ. Not coming from you, but actual customers. Like a signed petition thing. We stopped coming here because......and we will come back if you....

Just like most bar owners aren't concerned about the quality of a karaoke system. MAYBE THEY NEED TO KNOW THERE IS A DIFFERENCE AND WHAT THAT DIFFERNCE IS AND WHAT IT COULD MEAN TO THEIR INCOME.

It may not work....but what if it does???? What if it only worked with 10% of the bar owners. Could you use 10% more work with more money and 10% less competition?

We could document the jerks. Every phone is a camera. Take a picture of their one speaker, or one speaker on a pole and one as an imitation sub on the floor.

A little bar owner education class could be the ticket we need.
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Post by Bigdog »

If you were a bar owner and someone put this information in your hand...what would you think about it? And the person that presented it to you?

Would you throw it away as junk?

Would you start thinking about your KJ that could be wasting/costing you income?

The easiest thing might be a KJ check list. Does your KJ match up to these (Our) quidelines.

They go down the list one-by-one.

At the end of the list is the number evaluation.

2 Options.

1. Keep them they are making you money.

2. Dump them quick before they totally kill your business.
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Post by Sabrina59 »

NOJERKJS - National Organization to Just Employ Real KJ's
Okay ... I'm tired, it's the best I could do! :P

Let's say we could put something great together that showed, under no uncertain terms, how hiring sub-par KJ's was actually costing the bar owner money. How are you going to get a big enough movement to do any good?

If the majority of KJ's are lousy that leaves only a minority to do this.

I'll revisit this in the morning. It's after 2 and this old lady needs to get some sleep. You may be on to something here. If not a national movement, perhaps something we could all use to help a bar owner decide they should employ us and not the jerk down the street.
Sabrina the Cat
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Post by mnementh »

I like the idea of a check list but call me cynical, if you wish but in my experience, the bottom line for most Karaoke venues is just that, the bottom line, i.e. the profit.

Paying someone comes out of the profits (usually) and it doesn't matter how well you put over the concept of "good" versus "bad" KJ, the pay out is seen as an immediate "loss", while the bottom line is perceived as something to come.

Sadly, any venue will have had to have experience of BOTH good and bad KJ's in order for the check list to be of any real value PLUS time enough with each to notice the difference in revenue.

Next, any owner who is going to pay you more than the "cheap" KJ is going to expect you to put your money where your mouth is, so how do you promote that?

Do maybe a month's shows at a lesser pay rate and only if profits go up, increase back to your usual fee?

A few check points from the KJ's here would be useful and I'll start off with the one that seems to be detested by most "old school" KJ's but it has to be said that with computer systems, it is going to get worse.

1)Is the number of unique songs provided by a KJ important to you? Yes/No

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Post by Bigdog »

NOJERKS is brilliant............ :lol: :lol: :lol: Give me a big hug.. :D

The educational process has to be all money oriented. Or sex.. :roll: :lol:

It's back to the psychology thing.

About making money verses losing money. That's all they will understand if you can get them that far.

They would only need to compare the KJ they have at the moment.

Does your KJ do this? Does he do that? Stuff they can look at and say yes or no.

We can't expect them to use a lot of brain power.

If it was done won't need a big list. Just show them how much money they might be losing.

As far as the bar owner paying a replacement KJ more money. I have replaced many KJs and EVERYTIME I got paid more money. :shock:

That's one of my most famous sayings...I'll take your job and get paid more to do it. :lol:

We would have to explain a lot of things the difference between a good system and a bad one. And why it matters and relate it to money.

Fair rotation and relate it to money.

Bad bar reputation and relate it to money.

Why do car dealers want to get you to sit in the NEW car so badly? They know you will see what a piece of crap you have. Same here. Show them how piece of crap is costing them money and BINGO...

Will it work on all of them??? ...Hell no!!!! Don't forget how stupid they really are. But who likes to lose or waste money??? The ones that really hate it will take the bait.
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Post by Bigdog »

Very soon, I'm going to replace a KJ that everyone that works in the bar hates. I think they are comparing what he does to what I do. :oops:

They are paying him $200 a night.

I'm going in at $175. For 4 get the crowd to come back..And a show of good faith and because I'm already doing another $200 night there. The money is steady and never a bytch... :wink: ..I guarantee I will be making $200. Before long.

I already told the bar owner that he wasn't a $200 KJ to begin with. He said he knows that now and he made a mistake. I don't think anyone but me will make $200 a night from now on. Not without proof of the ability to create a big night.

I replaced other KJs and made at least $25 or more than them. Money talks and BS walks... 8)

I recently 3 years ago trained a couple to do what I do. Within 6 months they were working. In the first year they had 5 steady nights. They passed up all the local competition in one years time. And they are still right beside me as far as working. Actually they have 5 nights and I have 4 because I just quit 3 jobs. My 5th night is coming back shortly. All nonsmoking bars.

It won't work if you're worse than the one they have now.... :lol:

A free night I have done.... A better thing is probably a reduced rate. You could do steps. $75 - 100- 125--150... I usually do $25-50 less than my high number. But if I see things are slow I will decide to give them money back. I just did a $60 night. It was pretty slow....But it's a brand new bar in a new building. I want the owner to survive. I get $200 on my other night there. It's a new night that is taking it's time growing. If you get one new person a week that takes a year to get 50 people. :shock: :shock: Not one person from my old job followed me just 4-5 miles down the road. :lol: I expected maybe a few....but they all smoke. :cry:

I had 6 nights..quit 3 smoking bars and now do 4 nights and 5 is coming. Finding jobs has never been one of my concerns.

People find a place they like to go and it's hard to get them to change. And I heard some bytching about my replacement, but it must not be too bad. :lol: And besides...she has 100,000 songs.. I only have 12,000... :lol:
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Post by Bigdog »

I don't know if this is what we need or not.

Give me your feelings.
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Post by Markm »

sounds like karaoke is similar to my business, I work for a large food distribution company that services restaurants, bars etc. they spend tons of money on cosmetics, and skimp on what brings the customer coming back, we call it saving money rather than making money,, Mr. operator, you obviously saw how adding entertainment could help your business, now if you created standards for your entertainment, you would be showing your customers you care about them and want them coming back, many blame economy, weather, etc. for their lack of a packed house, the real reason is all the choices a consumer has, offer the same mediocre service or goods, if one was to step it up a notch and be more concerned about their market share or lack of it, everyone providing value and top notch service or services would benefit.
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Post by Sabrina59 »

I have mixed feelings about that site. It just doesn't sit right with me and I can't exactly put my finger on why. It's almost as though a couple of people got together and figured out another way to make money off karaoke.

If you don't conform to their ways, or purchase discs through them, you are in the bottom of the list.

There are two companies from my area on their list; one is a wedding DJ/KJ and the other doesn't have a website so I don't know.

There is some good information on the site but I don't think I'll become a member anytime soon.
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Post by DanG2006 »

Plus if you are not liked they have the power to replace you if that is what the bar owner wants to do. It's like you don't own your compnay anymore as they even have the power to choose your equipment for you costing you more money than it is worth.
I'm sorry but no one is gonna tell me how to run my shows, what software I use to run my shows and what songs I should have in my collection. The last one has the exception of my singers.
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Post by wiseguy »

This definitely not a professional looking website that was actually designed with a "drag and drop" web page maker. It's apparently just a front to get people to order automatic monthly shipments of karaoke discs.

The "Top 500 Karaoke Songs of All Time" page actually does not list a single song title... just artists. And how do they think that they can accurately determine the "Top 500 Karaoke Songs of All Time" from the request slips of just 30 bars? Ridiculous.

In the "Karaoke Piracy News" section did you notice the first criteria listed that would indicate that the KJ is using pirated music?
It Reads:
"Running a karaoke show using a computer, CAVS machine, or other device with more than 20,000 karaoke tracks [the huge monetary investment necessary to put together a collection of karaoke tracks larger than this makes it likely that at least some of the library has been acquired illegally, unless the host has been in business many years."

Have they never heard of a bank loan? I know that they are fighting an uphill (and losing) battle against piracy but do you really want every bar owner investigating you just because you use a computer and have 20,000 songs?
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Post by Sabrina59 »

That one bothered me as well, wiseguy. It almost presumes that all of us who run computers, CAVS or have a good selection are pirating songs. I guess everyone except their members are supposed to use discs only.
Sabrina the Cat
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