
It's Only For The SHOCK VALUE....

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It's Only For The SHOCK VALUE....

Post by Bigdog »

Last night had a new singer come in with some old semi-regular regulars.

He comes up for his first song request.

He wants UGLY KID JOE ..Everything About You. :roll:

I don't have it...

You don't... :yikes:

>>>>walks away,,,,,<<<<

Comes back up later and tells me he wants the Eagles...Take It Easy.... :shock:

Does anyone see how far apart these two songs are in language content????

Proves my point that EVERY singer wants to do it for the SHOCK value. Just to overload the crowd with his ability to swear the best......

Just like the last one that wanted M&M, lil wayne.....and comes up wih Johnny Cash..Folsom Prison.....

If I can't act like a jerk and swear for everyone...I guess I'll have to act ...... er...a...NORMAL... :lol:

Dead horse issue ...but I'm right. :shock: :D

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Post by Bigdog »

They really want to be normal, but the alcohol brings out the little Dennis The Menise that wants to swear and act like a big shot.

Take away the songs that they can use for their little display and they revert back to being a NORMAL :littleangel: again...hmmmmm
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Post by Bigdog »

The Supreme Court just ruled the government can continue to crack down on swearing on TV.

Federal law prohibits indecent programing content.
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Post by wiseguy »


Let's see... Everything About You, an upbeat crowd pleasing song (there is a radio edit karaoke version that does not contain that one expletive) or Take It Easy, one the most frickin' boring songs ever released as karaoke. Hmm.. I think I'd rather hear Everything About You. But then I prefer my karaoke crowd to be awake.

You know, there are radio edit (clean) versions of many of the songs you would or do censor from your books. People will sing what is on the screen. Those who don't will make up their own lyrics to any song anyway.

You would like us to believe that most people prefer having your so called objectionable songs removed from the books.. but you're wrong. You seek out bar owners that think the same way you do. They are a small minority. Then once hired by these bar owners you eventually build up a crowd of singers that think the same as you do, again a small minority.

You have found a niche with this small portion of the population mainly because none, or very few, of your competition do things this way.

People do not request these songs for "shock value". They sing them because they are fun songs to do and quite welcome with an overwhelming majority of karaoke crowds. They end up singing the boring songs because they are given no choice. I feel sorry for the poor guy stuck with singing Take It Easy just so he could go to the same karaoke as his friends.
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Post by wiseguy »

Bigdog wrote:The Supreme Court just ruled the government can continue to crack down on swearing on TV.

Federal law prohibits indecent programing content.
Damn right... kids should not learn to swear from the TV. They should learn it in school like we did. :)
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Post by Bigdog »

wiseguy wrote::deadhorse:

Let's see... Everything About You, an upbeat crowd pleasing song (there is a radio edit karaoke version that does not contain that one expletive) or Take It Easy, one the most frickin' boring songs ever released as karaoke. Hmm.. I think I'd rather hear Everything About You. But then I prefer my karaoke crowd to be awake.

You know, there are radio edit (clean) versions of many of the songs you would or do censor from your books. People will sing what is on the screen. Those who don't will make up their own lyrics to any song anyway.

You would like us to believe that most people prefer having your so called objectionable songs removed from the books.. but you're wrong. You seek out bar owners that think the same way you do. They are a small minority. Then once hired by these bar owners you eventually build up a crowd of singers that think the same as you do, again a small minority.

You have found a niche with this small portion of the population mainly because none, or very few, of your competition do things this way.

People do not request these songs for "shock value". They sing them because they are fun songs to do and quite welcome with an overwhelming majority of karaoke crowds. They end up singing the boring songs because they are given no choice. I feel sorry for the poor guy stuck with singing Take It Easy just so he could go to the same karaoke as his friends.
This could be true at your show...but even with all the clean versions I have...many feel the need to add the swear words...lest they be perceievd as wimps for not swearing like the album version.

I'm very sure he would have inserted every syllable of every swear word in the song and maybe added some that weren't. :shock:

Take it Easy just happens to be one of over 12,000 clean songs he could have picked. Why he chose that one, only he will know. Everyone else stayed and kept singing. He didn't chase them away with his selection.

Take It Easy was their first song released. Went to #12 and was on the charted 8 weeks in the Top 40. Who doesn't know all the words to Take It Easy? :?

Maybe you remember when crowds were begging for Eagles songs, when the Eagles hadn't given permission for their songs for karaoke use? My first Eagles songs came by way of a bootleg Chinese laser disc. Then some time later BackStage did their disc. Finally Sound Choice did theirs before it was pulled for ...some...reason. :roll:

And I guess nobody sings Hotel California at your totally upbeat show? It's another classic song that everyone sings along with....

Immature Shock Value is the only thing that could explain the difference between the songs they asked for and the songs they actually did. Not so they could "entertain" the entire crowd with their upbeat crowd pleasing song.

The proof is....out of the over 12,000 songs, I'm very sure there are 1 or 2 upbeat crowd pleasers he could have found that he really likes to sing also.

And if he couldn't have found anything because they are deleted and he was forced to sing something different or he refused to sing at all...proves my point again.....Immature Shock Value was all he wanted and his only intention. If I can't swear...nobody will like me :cry: or pay attention to me... :cry: while I'm acting like a jerk... :cry: Swearing in front of someones wife and mother makes me feel like a man. And's "entertaining."

:sorry: I'm not buying it. It's a cop out for KJs that think they are entertaining the crowd and everyone should enjoy it. If they don't there must be something wrong with them. It's not normal to be swearing up a storm in mixed company. It's a sign of ignorance or immaturity or both. But one thing it's not is entertaining.

The small minded bar owners I work for value their business reputation. Unlike most bar owners that prove it by selling to underage kids just to make a buck. The ones who will put up with undesireables to make a buck. Who turn their back on the "snorting" in the restrooms. The ones that over serve to the point of puking or staggering just to make a buck.

You are right....these bar owners I work for may very well be a minority. It's a minority I'll have to live with. :D And I appreciate them.

Where is it written that only karaoke shows that contain unlimited swearing are not boring and very entertaining? Based on what? My singers/crowds and bar owners find it refreshing that I don't have all swearing screaming drunks "entertaining" everyone.

A show of my quality is a minority that keeps me busy. I'm sure if more KJs offered a service like mine, more bar owners would appreciate the option. Since it's not offered they figure they have to take the only thing available. That's sad.... :cry:

That would be KJs that don't care what reputation they create for the bar.
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Post by Sabrina59 »

A new smiley!!! :deadhorse: LOVE it!

Everything else being equal, I would probably frequent a show that did not have the yelly-screany-cussing-crap; just because that is not my taste in music and I would rather not listen to it.

On the other hand, I would have to find somewhere else to do our version of Dirty Summer Nights, These Boobs Are Made For Bouncing, and a few others I have. :oops:

What I have an issue with is one parent who was going to argue with me because I wouldn't let her child (10 or 11 years old) do Greased Lightning. I told her what the lyrics are ... that put an end to it. Why did theu have to put THOSE lyrics is such a cool song?!?!
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Post by spotlightjr »

I sing ugly kid joe's version of "everything about you" and I think there's only one swear word in the whole song. As a matter of fact, it's the part where he talks real real fast so its hard to make out. I left it out anyways.
At my Applebees show the manager doesnt allow swearing over the mic which is cool so I simply told the yound lady about to sing Alannis Morrisette's "you oughta know" to leave out the "f" bomb during the song. She had no problem and we all marched on. no biggy!!!
You control your show. Do what you think's apppropriate.
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Post by wiseguy »

Sabrina59 wrote:On the other hand, I would have to find somewhere else to do our version of Dirty Summer Nights, These Boobs Are Made For Bouncing, and a few others I have. :oops:
This is exactly the type of thing I'm talking about. Do you feel this type of song is inappropriate in an adult only setting? Do you do these songs for "shock value"? Are you being ignorant and immature? Bigdog would have you believe so and he will protect the angelic public from your unscrupulous behavior.
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Post by wiseguy »

spotlightjr wrote:I sing ugly kid joe's version of "everything about you" and I think there's only one swear word in the whole song. As a matter of fact, it's the part where he talks real real fast so its hard to make out. I left it out anyways.
At my Applebees show the manager doesnt allow swearing over the mic which is cool so I simply told the yound lady about to sing Alannis Morrisette's "you oughta know" to leave out the "f" bomb during the song. She had no problem and we all marched on. no biggy!!!
You control your show. Do what you think's apppropriate.
The rest of us know this. Not censoring your song books does not lead to immature and ignorant people screaming obscenities for shock value. That's just ridiculous. It's just the way Bigdog has to exaggerate everything to try to make a point.
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Post by wiseguy »

Bigdog wrote:
This could be true at your show...but even with all the clean versions I have...many feel the need to add the swear words...lest they be perceievd as wimps for not swearing like the album version.

I'm very sure he would have inserted every syllable of every swear word in the song and maybe added some that weren't. :shock:

Take it Easy just happens to be one of over 12,000 clean songs he could have picked. Why he chose that one, only he will know. Everyone else stayed and kept singing. He didn't chase them away with his selection.

Take It Easy was their first song released. Went to #12 and was on the charted 8 weeks in the Top 40. Who doesn't know all the words to Take It Easy? :?

Maybe you remember when crowds were begging for Eagles songs, when the Eagles hadn't given permission for their songs for karaoke use? My first Eagles songs came by way of a bootleg Chinese laser disc. Then some time later BackStage did their disc. Finally Sound Choice did theirs before it was pulled for ...some...reason. :roll:

And I guess nobody sings Hotel California at your totally upbeat show? It's another classic song that everyone sings along with....

Immature Shock Value is the only thing that could explain the difference between the songs they asked for and the songs they actually did. Not so they could "entertain" the entire crowd with their upbeat crowd pleasing song.

The proof is....out of the over 12,000 songs, I'm very sure there are 1 or 2 upbeat crowd pleasers he could have found that he really likes to sing also.

And if he couldn't have found anything because they are deleted and he was forced to sing something different or he refused to sing at all...proves my point again.....Immature Shock Value was all he wanted and his only intention. If I can't swear...nobody will like me :cry: or pay attention to me... :cry: while I'm acting like a jerk... :cry: Swearing in front of someones wife and mother makes me feel like a man. And's "entertaining."

:sorry: I'm not buying it. It's a cop out for KJs that think they are entertaining the crowd and everyone should enjoy it. If they don't there must be something wrong with them. It's not normal to be swearing up a storm in mixed company. It's a sign of ignorance or immaturity or both. But one thing it's not is entertaining.

The small minded bar owners I work for value their business reputation. Unlike most bar owners that prove it by selling to underage kids just to make a buck. The ones who will put up with undesireables to make a buck. Who turn their back on the "snorting" in the restrooms. The ones that over serve to the point of puking or staggering just to make a buck.

You are right....these bar owners I work for may very well be a minority. It's a minority I'll have to live with. :D And I appreciate them.

Where is it written that only karaoke shows that contain unlimited swearing are not boring and very entertaining? Based on what? My singers/crowds and bar owners find it refreshing that I don't have all swearing screaming drunks "entertaining" everyone.

A show of my quality is a minority that keeps me busy. I'm sure if more KJs offered a service like mine, more bar owners would appreciate the option. Since it's not offered they figure they have to take the only thing available. That's sad.... :cry:

That would be KJs that don't care what reputation they create for the bar.
Allow me to also be redundant. I've been in this business for many years and have performed at about every type of venue imaginable. I do not censor my song books. I've not done a single show where there were unlimited swearing and screaming drunks. The singers are self censoring in the sense that they know not to sing something that would be objectionable to present company. On the rare occasion they have a lapse in judgment I will kindly remind them.

This doesn't mean that if there are a couple of people in the place that might be offended that I will not allow a certain song. It's no different than if only a couple of people complain that the music is too loud. If you don't like it go somewhere else.

I have all the Eagles songs and of course they are done quite often. But nobody is ever forced to sing them because I refuse to let them sing what they actually want to.

People in general do not want to sing something that they think the crowd will dislike. If they select a song like Everything About You it's because they're in a crowd that would appreciate this type of music.

As for shock value, anyone who is "shocked" by an occasional explicit lyric has no business being in a bar.
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Post by Sabrina59 »

wiseguy wrote:
Sabrina59 wrote:On the other hand, I would have to find somewhere else to do our version of Dirty Summer Nights, These Boobs Are Made For Bouncing, and a few others I have. :oops:
This is exactly the type of thing I'm talking about. Do you feel this type of song is inappropriate in an adult only setting? Do you do these songs for "shock value"? Are you being ignorant and immature? Bigdog would have you believe so and he will protect the angelic public from your unscrupulous behavior.
Dirty Summer Nights is probably for "shock value". People who have never heard it start singing along until they realize the lyrics are different; at which point the jaw usually drops ... then the laughter starts.

Honestly, I have never done any of my parody songs at a new venue without asking the KJ first because I know that some crowds may find them offensive.

I'm really on the fence with this issue ... probably leaning more towards BD's side because I don't care to be assaulted with a lot of vulgar language being screamed at me. I don't mind an "F-bomb" dropped here or there, but would rather not hear it in every stanza.
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Post by Bigdog »

I constantly see the 21ers coming in for the first time. I watch them tear through the song books. I know what they are looking for. I get asked all the time if I have this F bomb song or that one. They never ask for Barry Manilow... :lol:

Funny 99% of the time it's a 21er that wants them.....hmmmmm.....

Lack of intellect.

Not because they can read and entertain a crowd.

There has to be a bigger reason than ...they have figured out how to read a crowd and they will choose the appropriate song for mass entertainment value.

They have an ulterior motive. Crowd "entertainment" isn't even on the list.

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Post by wiseguy »

Sabrina59 wrote:I'm really on the fence with this issue ... probably leaning more towards BD's side because I don't care to be assaulted with a lot of vulgar language being screamed at me. I don't mind an "F-bomb" dropped here or there, but would rather not hear it in every stanza.
I might agree if these things actually happened. Myself, and others on this forum from various areas of the country, know differently. The songs in your book do not cause people to lose all respect and choose songs just so they can scream obscenities. The only places I could remotely see this happening would be college bars.

Censoring your books means only that you are one dimensional and can accommodate only one type of audience. It's the KJ that controls the show, not the songs in the book. If a song is not appropriate for a particular situation then it will not be allowed. The same song might be fine in another circumstance. That's versatility.
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Post by Bigdog »

The newest POP Hits Monthly POP JULY disc is a perfect example. Several of the songs have very suggestive sexual overtones. They are describing sex acts. This is the stuff your kids are listening to daily.

The June disc..Check out the lyrics for The Lonely Island...I'm On A Boat.

Anyone that wants to sing this song is doing it for the shock value. I hardly think it will make much radio air play. All you will hear is silent spots or bleeps. Not at my show.

Tell me the socially redeeming value of this song. And why it's a must have for your show?

These types of song will drag down the quality of anyones show.
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