
Managers and bar owners...

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Managers and bar owners...

Post by Bigdog »

The managers are as worthless as the owners... :shock: :roll:

Tonight I asked the manager if they wanted to do karaoke on New Years Eve because it falls on my night.

I told him I need to know so I can print my calender and hand it out since we are at the end of the month. He said he would ask the owner. I asked him if he could call him now or give me his phone number so I could talk to him. He said he would call him now......He was probably trying to protect the owner from me bothering him. The manager probably wanted to not look like an IDIOT to the owner and to show him he could handle things....

I'm waiting.... :roll:

I need to know one way or the other because I DON'T DJ and if they want a DJ for NEW YEARS they better get one...and I really don't want to work it anyway...

I'm still waiting.... :?

Later I told him there were no paper towels in the mens room. OK he said...2 hours later still no paper towels in the mens room. I told an employee and he took care of it.

Yea..I know the manager might be busy with other things...but sometimes there are other things that are just as important.

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Post by djloki »

I understand you are not a DJ, but at my Karaoke shows I run Karaoke and DJ. Is this rare to do both?
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Post by DanG2006 »

For Bigdog it is. He believes in the sanctity of pure karaoke. He'd rather sing his way through down times when there are no singers than play a DJ song. Not that he has any down times. He talks about everything else but having no singers.
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Post by wiseguy »

djloki wrote:I understand you are not a DJ, but at my Karaoke shows I run Karaoke and DJ. Is this rare to do both?
Actually, it's rare to find a KJ that doesn't also provide DJ entertainment. It's called diversity.

So now be prepared for Bigdog to preach to you the evils of playing any DJ music at a karaoke show. It's karaoke sacrilege. :lol:
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Post by mnementh »

wiseguy wrote:
djloki wrote:I understand you are not a DJ, but at my Karaoke shows I run Karaoke and DJ. Is this rare to do both?
Actually, it's rare to find a KJ that doesn't also provide DJ entertainment. It's called diversity.

So now be prepared for Bigdog to preach to you the evils of playing any DJ music at a karaoke show. It's karaoke sacrilege. :lol:

Sadly, we can't all be blessed with 30+ singer rotations, so have to play filler music and practise our own stuff when it's quiet.

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Post by Bigdog »

It's real easy to understand... :deadhorse: :boxing:

Those that play DJ music at a scheduled jaraoke night are causing the demise of karaoke.

Karaoke started as about people singing. Do karaoke music sites promote dance music too with their karaoke discs/music? Why not? They could make at lot of money considering all the KJs that have become DJs.

Tell me when it became about people dancing? :roll:

Tell me why you should cater to nonsingers during the karaoke? :roll:

When you chase away all your singers because you let the nonsingers hijack your will get your wish and become a DJ...fulltime because you killed your karaoke business.

I had a girl ask me the other night for dance songs (The place was packed so I'm sure there would have been people get up to dance)...I said I don't DJ...she said what are we supposed to do if we want to dance? I said GO SOMEWHERE ELSE. And I meant it. They stayed. Since when did it become illegal to dance to a karaoke song? :shock:

Mankind is losing his little finger because we don't use it. We don't use it because we are losing it.

When you don't have any singers left your karaoke business will be dead.

What is wrong with a total karaoke only show?

That is how karaoke started out. DJing during your karaoke show tells me several things about you and your show.

#1. You forgot you started your business as a KJ to let people sing.

#2. You can not run an all karaoke show.

#3. You stabbed your loyal singers in the back by selling out to people that come to a scheduled karaoke night and expect you to cater to them ahead of your singers by playing dance music.

#4. You use the excuse of playing dance music to cover up the fact that you can not run an all karaoke show.

My girlfriend went to a bar 5 minutes away from my house the other night (they want me on a Saturday night if I get free to do it.) Anyway the KJ they have now sucks. He is supposed to do karaoke...that's why he was hired. She said there were 5 people in the bar. He was using Name That Tune to cover for the fact that he has no singers. She said his constant talking asking people if they knew this song and or this one was so annoying she couldn't stand it. He never quit talking.

I hardly talk all night long. I only make announcments at the beginning of every rotation. And I announce who each singer was at the end of their song. That's it all night. The rest of the time there is someone singing. without filler music or dance sets. EVER.

Take a poll of every singer at your shows. Ask them one simple question.

Do you want to hear dance sets at my karaoke show? (If you have the balls to learn the truth. :shock: ) My quess is the answer will be 99% will say wastes their singing time.

If the singers don't want to hear dance sets wasting their singing you think they would be searching for a KJ that doesn't waste their singing time with nonkaraoke DISTRACTIONS? :roll:

You are helping my karaoke business grow and grow. While you slowly kill yours with every dance set you play. I really don't care if my competition dies...But just remember YOU killed your business and nobody else is to blame. Well you and the nonsingers requesting dance music.

The basics of karaoke is people singing. Nothing else. When you deviate and try to improvise and cater to the are making a fatal mistake. You are not alone because KJs from all across the country are doing the same thing. They call it giving my crowds what they want. I call it your justification for not being able to do an all karaoke show.

At some point...just like the Name That Tune KJ...your singers will stop following you and you'll play more and more dance music to make up for the lack of singers. And'll not be scheduling karaoke nights because you won't have any singers...and you will be a full time DJ. If you still want to work. And even then your price will be so low the bar owners would be stupid not to hire a cheap DJ. The bar owners may as well have an open jukebox night because they don't need a KJ with no singers that only plays dance sets. :lol:

You can make up all the EXCUSES you want to believe to justify the reasons you play dance sets at karaoke. It's not what the crowds want. The singers still want to sing as much now as they did 20 years ago. Nothing has changed except the KJs that allow everyone but the singers to dictate how their karaoke show should be.

Karaoke doesn't mean dance sets....Look it up in the dictionary. It will not mention the word dancing one time.

But it will have something to say about SINGING.

I honestly can't name one successful KJ that mixes dance sets and karaoke. If they play more dance music than singing music they aren't successfull KJs. They are a hibred DJ/KJ...emphasis on the DJing part. Caused by lack of singers. :shock:

The ones that do either...#1 take care of their 5 regular singers by allowing them to sing more than everyone else..thereby chasing away any potential new singers..or #2 they have built a following of hijackers they cater to so it looks like (gives the Illusion) they have a singers but a following of nonsingers.

Now you tell me why I have so many singers and you don't?

I'm a karaoke singers dream KJ. :shock: No distractions just singing all night long.

When it hits you...and you realise you have been a sellout to your singers...what will you do about it? I suspect NOTHING.... :shock:

And yes I have some slow nights. And I usually have more nonsingers than singers by 2-3 to 1. The singers still sing all night long. Without distractions. I will start shows if I'm the only singer. I'll start shows with me and one singer. But there will not be any dance music. Every note will be a karaoke song and a real person will be singing it. I have a list of at least 600 songs I can sing. You only need 60 for a 4 hour night. I can sing and be entertaining all night long IF I need to.

I provide a 100% karaoke matter how many people or singers I have. I'm a real KJ. That's my karaoke business. I need no distractions to keep me booked 5 nights a week for the last 18 years. :shock:

I will never allow a nonsinger to tell me how to run my KARAOKE show. PERIOD. But you will allow every Tom, Dick and Harry tell you what to do and ruin your karaoke business.

Would you ever go to a DJ night and tell the DJ Stop everything you want to do karaoke? Are your singers that stupid? :roll:

Give them some credit...They come night after night and week after week to SING at my shows. Not to dance. Many of my nonsingers are regulars just to listen to my singers. They have yet to ask for dance music. Only new nonsingers ask that question once in every few months. Not night after night or even every week. I rarely hear that question. If you hear it you asked for it by caving in to their demands. :shock: And I can almost guarantee it will never come from a singer... :shock:


Karaoke attracts karaoke singers. :shock: Dance sets attract everything else. :lol: :roll:

Decide what you really want to be...KJ or a DJ. But catering to hijackers will force you to become a DJ. And sooner or later an unemployed KJ. :shock: :lol: Seen it happen to many in my 18's still happening too.... :shock: They never learn until it's too late. :cry:

You are slowly killing karaoke...look in the mirror at the face of a killer. :twisted: :lol: <<<<Insert Vincent Prices evil laugh here...>>
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Post by Bigdog »

wiseguy wrote:
djloki wrote:I understand you are not a DJ, but at my Karaoke shows I run Karaoke and DJ. Is this rare to do both?
Actually, it's rare to find a KJ that doesn't also provide DJ entertainment. It's called diversity.

So now be prepared for Bigdog to preach to you the evils of playing any DJ music at a karaoke show. It's karaoke sacrilege. :lol:
I really can't believe you would say that about me.... :cry: :shock: :roll: :? :lol:
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Post by Bigdog »

Karaoke is still as popular as it ever was.

If it's not as popular in your area..find out why.

If it's lack of singers they were chased away because they couldn't sing enough even when singers were lined up waiting...the dance music still played.... :?

Oh I can't start karaoke unless I have 5 singers...OK...Why not??? EXCUSE #1

Oh my crowds like to dance.....EXCUSE #2 (does that mean your singers hate to sing on slow nights?)

Oh....I like to be diverse and mix it up....EXCUSE #3

Oh..we have a party atmosphere.....EXCUSE #4 Singers just hate having fun, RIGHT? Singing at karaoke is boring. So we play dance music.

Me; And I never have singers that sing boring songs? All my singers sing upbeat lively songs 24/7... :roll: So I don't need dance music... :roll: My boring singers sing the same boring crap as yours. :shock:

EXCUSE #5...I play dance music to set the mood and wait until I have 5 singers. Gee my regular loyal singers would never come early hoping to squeeze in a few more songs...They would rather listen to dance music or dance till they can't sing because of shortness of breath. :P

EXCUSE #6...If I don't play dance music nobody will be here....That's your fault Mr. Entertainment. I never play dance music and I have people here. :roll:

It still comes back to you and your show. Like it or not.

EXCUSE #7....the bar owner wants both karaoke and DJ music....Not if he's smart and hires the right KJ. :wink: I can deliever a good steady all karaoke crowd. What's your EXCUSE??? I know you've got a million of them... :lol:

EXCUSE #8...I don't have any singers...You chased them away with nonkaraoke DISTRACTIONS. :( :shock:

EXCUSE #9 ..karaoke is dying in my location ....OK Sherlock find the real serial karaoke killer...look in the wait it's just a's a DJ in KJ clothing... :shock: :x

EXCUSE #10...fill in the blank.... :o
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Post by Bigdog »

Take the test...

Why do you play dance music?

I want my nonsingers to come in and stay.

What possible reason would they not want to stay?

Is it because you don't have singers or what you consider enough singers?

Why wouldn't you have singers or enough singers?

Is it because the singers you have don't sing well enough to keep nonsingers entertained?

Do your nonsingers have priority over your karaoke singers? It's a scheduled karaoke night.

Do you feel you need to cater to the nonsingers? Why? To keep your job?

So everyone has fun? Karaoke is fun....Is it so your ego can be fed?

Because other KJs do it? Because you want to provide diversity? It's a karaoke night not Americas Got Talent.

Is it because you can't keep a crowd entertained with your singing?

Playing dance music is easier than mixing singers? Just put in a prerecorded disc and screw off with your friends? Drink or play darts or pool while it plays?

You want to be all things to all people?

What's your best excuse to screw your singers out of singing as much as possible on a karaoke night? Why is the dance music so important to your show? Is it to provide "High Energy" that so many KJs feel they need to keep their jobs?

Is your all karaoke show that bad, that lame? Have you ever done an all karaoke show?

Do you even know how to keep the show momentum fast paced with only karaoke?

If nobody dances nobody's having fun?

Help me out I'm confused. Maybe I'm doing it all wrong. Maybe I should start screwing my singers nightly.
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