
Building My First Karaoke PC

Your comments, questions, or opinions on any karaoke related hardware.
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Building My First Karaoke PC

Post by kc7fys »

I am looking into building my first karaoke PC. First of all, the sound system is not an issue--I have a PA and all effects already. I need the heart of the system. I need the KARAOKE portion of it--the heart of the system.

My wishes:

***1.***Two monitors--one for selecting songs, and the other to show the video with lyrics scrolling. This part isn't a problem, either. I have a VGA output, and could even do better with HD video output. Not something I have a lot of questions about. (I'm used to, however, a single monitor, and selections are made and appear at the top, unless it's a secret selection.)

***2.*** The most important part--the controller. We want to see video, stock footage or video of some kind with lyrics in the front. We want to queue up a series of selections. We don't need anything fancy--like kCal readouts or ratings based on pitch accuracy or the like. Just the basics. Video with lyrics scrolling, and the ability to queue up selections while waiting.

***3.*** A nice big remote that's easy to use for the kids, and maybe padded around the edges.

Is this possible? Our current setup is pretty dismal--although the sound system is nice and has excellent pro-level effects and processing, the heart of the system is a VOCOPRO 800-series CD/DVD player. Lyrics on a blank background. We spent ten years in Tokyo, and can't believe how primitive karaoke is here in the states. I have to be honest--I can't see anything on Ebay or Ace Karaoke or elsewhere. Where are the resources for remotes, PC boards, software, video interface--where's it happening? Are people really singing to DVDs with non-moving backgrounds, and swapping discs? Help!

Many thanks. This board looks good, and active. I have high hopes.

Jonathan in St. Paul

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Post by mnementh »

HI there, Jonathan.
Welcome to the madhouse.

To answer your points in order;

1)NOT two monitors! Use a TV out card if you're using a PC or get a laptop with TV out or a convertor. My reason for this comes from point 3) in which you mention kids using the system. Unless your kids are phenomally well behaved, your 2nd monitor will be knocked over and wrecked in short order.. Use a big wall mounted TV, instead.

2)basically, unless there has been a release of some very new software in this side of the planet, you'll need to get your kit from the far East, or buy an old laserdisc unit. They were the only system of which I'm aware that played "actual" video in the background. Standard Karaoke over here is 16 bit graphics with audio at CD quality.

3)the only remote you'll get will be the standard one for a PC, i.e. a mouse. Perhaps a multi function mouse like the ones they purport to use on TV shows like NCIS, for example.

I would also point out that any files using actual video plus audio will be ENORMOUS!

Any tune you expect to play with Hi Res video in the background will be 100Mb minimum, I would expect, so even with Terrabyte drives, you won't get much on them.

Never mind that they'll be massively expensive and difficult to source.

Sorry to rain on your parade but Karaoke over here is simplistic, compared to dedicated Karaoke Bar systems in the far East.

Your second last paragraph should have let you answer your own questions, Re. sources. There aren't any!!!

However, I've no doubt that someone more knowledgeable than me will be along shortly to correct me.

Best of luck,
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Fair Enough, But!

Post by kc7fys »

Fair enough, but here's my experience: Nearly a decade ago while travelling in rural Thailand, near the borders of Cambodia and Laos, I was taken on a tiny motorscooter by a friend to a little cabana down a long dusty path. There we were regaled with karaoke. A big CRT television and bassy Thai songs with very racy video in the background. This was primitive equipment! Then back home to Tokyo--I'm talking about 1995 here--until the present. VHS-quality video footage of people in European cafes, silly stock footage scenarios of non-Japanese having fun, usually repeating in different ways and sequences through the various karaoke songs. How is it that this exists as a matter of daily life in one country--and is utterly absent here? When I purchased the VoCoPro unit, with USB functionality, I naturally assumed I'd be able to plug in my 2TB USB drive and be good to go with video, lyrics, the whole works. What we ended up with--after literally days of downloading and burning DVDs--was a really 90's-era experience with lots of time spent manipulating discs between songs, and no chance to program in a queue--let along get properly soused!
Please tell me there's a better way. I see a couple DIY PC setups on ACE KARAOKE that I could easily build--but many of these solutions deal with the sound system rather than the video and programming aspects of the karaoke singing experience. I don't want to come across as merely complaining; I want to research and post my findings--as well as consult with those who have built systems that are better than ours--and learn from them. Haalp!
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Post by kc7fys »

Even animation in the background, or VHS-quality video would be better than the stills in early 90's chunky text we see. Anybody doing better?
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There are some DVD type karaoke disc's , they are a series named"The Best Of" they have lyrics super imposed over moving video, much like the original laser disc's, they do sell a small selection of them at Ace karaoke, they are listed here:
Make sure the title starts with "The Best of" another series that has moving video is "Original Footage" video Cd's these have the original singers with added lyrics. I have both types of the above and have transfered them to hard drive. I can load these into MTU Hoster karaoke software that will do most of the things you are asking except the use of a remote control operation.
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Post by kc7fys »

The term "MTU Hoster" is helpful. I will research. I'm sure there's a lot I just don't know about, but it's out there.
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Post by kc7fys »

This package: ... player.htm
...looks close to what I am looking for.
How to Build a Home Karaoke System
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Looks like what you are asking for but you still have to find the music tracks with full motion video background to use in it.
How to Build a Home Karaoke System
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Post by mnementh » wrote:Looks like what you are asking for but you still have to find the music tracks with full motion video background to use in it.
Actually, if you click on the "English songs" link in the left side menu and go down the page, they list over 4,000 songs in English and even have a downloadable sample track.

I started the sample download but couldn't be bothered to complete it as it was a ridiculous 149Mb FOR A SAMPLE!!!

Sorry, but I'll stick to 4 or 5Mb per track and get ALL my stuff onto my laptop's internal drive with lots of space to spare.

They also want $249 for a 500Gb external hard drive with the tracks on it.


The problem, as I see it, is that the OP idea is great, IF you can vary the background for a given track but as we all know, most people sing the same old songs, every time, so I don't see how the same old vid for the same old track wouldn't be every bit as boring as a standard setup???

How to Build a Home Karaoke System
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