
Bartender hates karaoke.

Anything that doesn't fit in another category.
Posts: 2937
Joined: Wed Jan 31, 2007 2:15 am

Post by Bigdog »

Again I must be in the only area of the country that has under 30s white kids that want to do rap songs and all the songs with the major swear words. Because that is the typical crowd at the majority of my competition's shows and they all let "anything go." And their crowd reputation reflects that fact. I occasionally get some of them looking around. And their major request is for all the wild "groups" and the songs with big swear words. So they must be doing it at their regular hang out.

I'm not in the Bible Belt. :shock:

The screaming drunk crowd is not even close to the crowds I regularly draw. This is totally out of my norm. My norm is people acting like respectable adults.

Maybe the fact that this is the crowds you regularly draw, it seems normal to you.

The haters are regularly seeing this type of behavior some place and it isn't at my show. So stop contributing to the haters reason for hating karaoke. :wink:

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