
Off Duty Cops.

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Off Duty Cops.

Post by Bigdog »

Tonight besides being my least favorite night to work because of the "green" drunks...we had some off duty cops (3-4) that ended up causing some trouble by shooting off their mouths about the ethnicity of a few people that were in attendance tonight.

Two young girls that were not causing any problems, that are becoming regulars and hanging out with some other non troublemaking regulars had to hear the loud mouth cops talking about the reason for the country being screwed up from people of color.

The one jerk came up to request a song. I asked him his name and told him I'll get it up shortly. I had some other new people to get in and I wanted to get the others in the rotation in to. He comes back up says he isn't singing it and flashes his badge and says he wants to hear the song right away. I proceeded to tell him that I had some other singers and and I don't DJ during karaoke. He thinks I'm lying and says nobody is singing now. I pointed to the singer and he still didn't believe me. Now he's starting to RUB me the wrong way. Cocky little bastage. I told him that I would sing the song after I played a few more regulars so they wouldn't get pi$$ed at me singing before them. He said they won't care and I said I've been doing this 16 years and yes they will get PI$$ED about it. So I sang it and screwed it up because it's not a song I sing and 2 my sinus infection would let me sing the songs with high notes without cracking.

It wasn't until the end of the night that the trouble started and people wanted to take them outside. I don't blame them. After everyone left the owner said he heard them making their crude remarks all night long. And then he told me that they all whipped out their badges. WOOOOOOO

The fact that they are cops sucks. They of all people should not be inciting anyone in the crowd with blatant racial remarks. Especially when nobody else was causing a problem.

I hope they aren't going to be back. JERKS

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Post by Sabrina59 »

When I was growing up my mom taught me that cops are our friends. I'm not sure that has been the case for a very long time. It does seem that most of the current officers are very pompous jerks who think they can flash their badge and we are all supposed to jump. Kudos to you for sticking to your guns!

If the owner had heard them making remarks all night why didn't he ask them to leave? Although I realize there could be negative consequences for that. Pretty much a no-win situation.
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Post by Bigdog »

Tonight..another story about an off duty cop.

One of my regulars is a local cop. He comes very often and has started to tip my $20 on most nights. A new guy was singing tonight and the old cop told me that the guy singing was new to the force.

Now the new cop is with some clown that comes up and asks me if I have any songs by "Casting Couch" I think that's what he said. Now I just did a seach and I can't find anything about a group called Casting Couch. But I can probably guess what they sing about and which words they choose to sing. But my computer seach came up empty. He proceeds to turn to walk away and informs my that I suck. I said yeah I know.....

Now he has this look going on that he wants a piece of me for some reason. I just happened to be in the mens room with a big bouncer guy that comes in regularly. Well the cop and his whacked buddy are in there too. Whack job is talking about if the big guy in the red shirt jumps on him that the cop better help him out. The only guy wearing a red shirt is my bouncer friend and now I have to assume that he wants to start trouble with me because I suck. So I told the old cop to keep an eye on the whack job because I think he's going to start something. I also told the bouncer guy to stick around.

Now hearing them talking in the mens room sounds like they are premeditating (a conspiracy) an attack and the new cop better help his buddy if he (whack job) gets overwhelmed. Start trouble because your friend is a cop and you think he's going to help you out??? Not without losing his job over it.

I think if the new cop wants to keep his new cop job he better start finding some new unwhacked friends to hang with.

Back to the original story those cops could be in trouble for "Ethnic Intimidation" for their remarks. STUPID COPS. RAMBO/DIRTY HARRY/SERPICO Complexes. BIG MUSCLES, BIG BADGES, BIG MOUTHS AND NO BRAINS.
Posts: 2937
Joined: Wed Jan 31, 2007 2:15 am

Post by Bigdog »

Well the other problem comes into play if you start anything with 3 cops. They are all going to stick up for each other and getting a conviction could be pretty hard. The old CYA move.
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