
New KJ, I have some questions

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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by Bigdog »

t belive in parties for the very issue we see today. many will vote for a party and not a person. "if it is between a (insert party here) or a pomegranate....i'm voting for the fruit!" you want what G.W. envisioned, vote independent.

I firmly believe that all Americans should just be considered voters, political my state I can not be a registered independent....I must be registered as a democrat or republican in order to vote in a BS. Everyone should just be a registered voter. Politicians should be voted on because they most represent my values....

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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by wiseguy »

Bigdog wrote:The dirt just keeps on coming.... Dirty crooked Hilary.... How can normal smart people continue to back her? Shows how really stupid smart people can be fooled and brainwashed.... Lie upon lie told over and over becomes believable after a while... Our country is doomed....young people haven't a clue as to what's in store for them.... But they think they're getting a bunch of free stuff.. :lol: ... 64942.html
No person on the planet is more corrupt than con man Donald. He is named in multiple federal law suits. He is facing RICO (racketeering) charges for defrauding thousands of people. He has just recently admitted to making "a lot of money" by doing business with foreign terrorist.

Clinton has a lot of problems, and I'll admit I'm not her biggest fan by any means, but compared to the bigoted, racist, misogynistic, narcissistic, unqualified, con man Donald Trump, backing her is is an easy choice.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by wiseguy »

Bigdog wrote:t belive in parties for the very issue we see today. many will vote for a party and not a person. "if it is between a (insert party here) or a pomegranate....i'm voting for the fruit!" you want what G.W. envisioned, vote independent.

I firmly believe that all Americans should just be considered voters, political my state I can not be a registered independent....I must be registered as a democrat or republican in order to vote in a BS. Everyone should just be a registered voter. Politicians should be voted on because they most represent my values....
Except for the states that do not have open primaries (and I agree that all states should) you are ALWAYS free to vote for any person on the ballot regardless of your political affiliation. I always vote for individuals. Over the years I have voted for Republicans for president and other offices. You can be very sure of one thing. If con man Donald were the Democratic nominee for president I would be voting for a Republican or Independent this year.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by Bigdog »

For the past several years democrats do not have my best interests or the best interests of the country in mind. That means I want and the country should want a republican president.... That said if President TRUMP was an independant he would get my vote. He's not a politician....he's not part of the Washington elite. He hasn't done more shady business deals than the clintons in their lifetime...the clintons shady business deals were done while Bill held office of one type or another.. Now I'll leave you with another short video....outlining her very serious legal trouble. ... 42278.html
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

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I'll also agree that people that vote party over person and their beliefs are a major problem.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by Bigdog »

This really burns me...wrong on so many levels ... story.html

First, she's not too smart for a valedictorian....should have kept her illegal mouth shut...

Second, her free education.

Third, her illegal status.

Fourth, the Feds don't investigate anyone's criminal and citizenship status before handing over thousands of my tax dollars in her clearly perpetrated fraud... So how many tens of thousands or millions of tax dollars are lost to this type of fraud..not to mention all the other frauds....sickening....this has to stop.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by wiseguy »

Bigdog wrote:For the past several years democrats do not have my best interests or the best interests of the country in mind. That means I want and the country should want a republican president.... That said if President TRUMP was an independant he would get my vote. He's not a politician....he's not part of the Washington elite. He hasn't done more shady business deals than the clintons in their lifetime...the clintons shady business deals were done while Bill held office of one type or another.. Now I'll leave you with another short video....outlining her very serious legal trouble. ... 42278.html
Right... con man Donald is not a politician... he buys politicians for his own personal gain. You have your head buried in the sand if you think con man Donald is not the master of shady deals. His name has appeared in over 3,500 law suits. That's more than the Clintons and every other presidential candidate in the history of this country put together.

Fox new is a right wing propaganda organization and the moron Napolitano is their legal propagandist. He has been proven wrong so many times it's ridiculous. Go find a nonpartisan source or you're just wasting your time on nonsense.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by wiseguy »

Bigdog wrote:This really burns me...wrong on so many levels ... story.html

First, she's not too smart for a valedictorian....should have kept her illegal mouth shut...

Second, her free education.

Third, her illegal status.

Fourth, the Feds don't investigate anyone's criminal and citizenship status before handing over thousands of my tax dollars in her clearly perpetrated fraud... So how many tens of thousands or millions of tax dollars are lost to this type of fraud..not to mention all the other frauds....sickening....this has to stop.
If you read the entire story you would know that what she has done is completely legal and in line with the laws of the state. It doesn't matter if YOU like it or not. The girl will go on to become an American citizen, get a quality education, and most like do more for our country than you have. She earned what she has received through hard work and dedication.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by Bigdog »

He's not a judge because he's an idiot.

With Obamas endorsement of Hilary, it's very clear the big wig democrats don't like the message Sanders is spreading.... Now think about it...the polls say Sanders can beat why back Hilary when she's tied with President Trump? I guess that doesn't sound fishy....especially with all her mounting legal issues. GOod thing the newly appointed Attorney General is in Obamas back about illegal.....

Trumps lawsuits are business related....everyone wants a piece of the billionaire...he's a prime lawsuit target....he wasn't a politician or in any elected office. Corruption in office is Obama and the max...why is everyone in love with her sleazy antics. Why is everyone ignoring them like nothing is's the typical democratic thing to do.....just deny, deny, deny...ignore, ignore, ignore...lie, lie, lie...
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by The Lone Ranger »

Bigdog wrote:He's not a judge because he's an idiot.

With Obamas endorsement of Hilary, it's very clear the big wig democrats don't like the message Sanders is spreading.... Now think about it...the polls say Sanders can beat why back Hilary when she's tied with President Trump? I guess that doesn't sound fishy....especially with all her mounting legal issues. GOod thing the newly appointed Attorney General is in Obamas back about illegal.....

Trumps lawsuits are business related....everyone wants a piece of the billionaire...he's a prime lawsuit target....he wasn't a politician or in any elected office. Corruption in office is Obama and the max...why is everyone in love with her sleazy antics. Why is everyone ignoring them like nothing is's the typical democratic thing to do.....just deny, deny, deny...ignore, ignore, ignore...lie, lie, lie...

8) None of the big wig fat cats in either party like Bernie's message because it would upset their fiefdoms, their gravy trains would be derailed and their power would be greatly diminished. Sanders has forced Hillary more to the left, while Trump is father to the right than many establishment Republicans are comfortable with. What has been revealed by these primaries is both bases of each party are not in step with the establishment. We are now facing a very dangerous area as far as our Republic is concerned. We are like Germany during the 30's before the rise of the Nazis. You have the Left and the Right both pushing the extremes, while the middle is in confusion, not liking any of the options to choose from. There is no room for compromise, since it is seen as a sign of weakness. Trump is being sued because he coned hard working people out of their savings and encouraged them to go deep in debt, for his worthless degree program. He is not some financial genius he inherited his money from his dad and got into real estate during the boom times.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by wiseguy »

Bigdog wrote:He's not a judge because he's an idiot.

With Obamas endorsement of Hilary, it's very clear the big wig democrats don't like the message Sanders is spreading.... Now think about it...the polls say Sanders can beat why back Hilary when she's tied with President Trump? I guess that doesn't sound fishy....especially with all her mounting legal issues. GOod thing the newly appointed Attorney General is in Obamas back about illegal.....

Trumps lawsuits are business related....everyone wants a piece of the billionaire...he's a prime lawsuit target....he wasn't a politician or in any elected office. Corruption in office is Obama and the max...why is everyone in love with her sleazy antics. Why is everyone ignoring them like nothing is's the typical democratic thing to do.....just deny, deny, deny...ignore, ignore, ignore...lie, lie, lie...
You don't need to be smart to become a judge... you just need the right connections or win an election. We just had a judge elected locally who is one of the biggest idiots you could ever meet.

Obama endorsed Hillary because she is going to be the Democratic nominee. If Sanders was the nominee then Obama would be endorsing him. That's all there is to it.

Con man Donald's law suits are about him defrauding people. He's nothing but a shyster. There are many businessmen in this country more wealthy than con man Donald who don't have a past and present filled with law suits. If being a successful businessman is you foremost qualification for being president you would naturally support Bill Gates if he ran... correct? After all, he is the richest and most successful businessman in the world. He makes Trump look like a chump.

You keep talking about the corruption of Obama and Clinton. Where are the indictments? Where is the evidence that proves guilt? This is all a bunch of crap that you have been conned into believing. You will fall for ANYTHING as long as it feeds into what you want to believe.

I know that head to head polls at this stage are virtually worthless... but if YOU believe they are an indication of who is winning you're not going to like the latest polls that show con man Donald is losing badly with 38% compared to Hillary's 45.2%.!poll/TM651 ... potlight/1
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by The Lone Ranger »

8) One aspect of this whole Trump story that is for lack of a better word crazy, revolves around his erratic mood swings and policy changes. He displays many of the symptoms of a person who in the old days were called manic depressives and today are called bipolar. Many famous people had this problem, Lincoln, Churchill, and Teddy Roosevelt to name a few. These individuals were able to over come this problem and were in their times great statesmen. I don't know if Trump will have the same luck, from what I know of this disorder it gets worse with time. Trump will be nearly 70 if he wins and takes office. You have to ask yourself if this is the type of person you want with their finger on the button, that could launch an H bomb?

There is now talk that the Republican party might stage a coup of their own and name another to be the standard bearer if Trump cannot get his act together before the convention. If this were to happen it would nullify the vote of their base and could lead to a split of the Grand Old Party. We have just made history by a major party naming the first woman as a nominee for president. I hope we don't make another historical first nominating a mad man for the job.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by wiseguy »

The Lone Ranger wrote:8) One aspect of this whole Trump story that is for lack of a better word crazy, revolves around his erratic mood swings and policy changes. He displays many of the symptoms of a person who in the old days were called manic depressives and today are called bipolar. Many famous people had this problem, Lincoln, Churchill, and Teddy Roosevelt to name a few. These individuals were able to over come this problem and were in their times great statesmen. I don't know if Trump will have the same luck, from what I know of this disorder it gets worse with time. Trump will be nearly 70 if he wins and takes office. You have to ask yourself if this is the type of person you want with their finger on the button, that could launch an H bomb?

There is now talk that the Republican party might stage a coup of their own and name another to be the standard bearer if Trump cannot get his act together before the convention. If this were to happen it would nullify the vote of their base and could lead to a split of the Grand Old Party. We have just made history by a major party naming the first woman as a nominee for president. I hope we don't make another historical first nominating a mad man for the job.
Lincoln, Churchill, and Teddy Roosevelt were not grandiose narcissists like con man Donald. His inability to control his narcissistic compulsions is what causes his erratic behavior. Whatever pops into his empty head instantly comes out of his mouth. The media has just started to call him out on his racism and lies and he's unable to handle it. There is certainly something being cooked up for the RNC. It's going to be interesting to watch as it all plays out.

One thing is for sure. Con man Donald can forget about Kasich as his running mate. He has announced (in more polite words) there is no way in hell he would be con man Donald's running mate.

~Everywhere I post I will replace "Trump" with "con man Donald". He has a label for everyone and deserves one of his own.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by The Lone Ranger »

8) Now we have the news of this mass shooting in Florida with 50 people dead and more than 50 wounded. I'm sure The Donald will use this as an example of how the current administration is soft on terrorism. The shooter seems to be from a family that came to this country from Afghanistan, probably trying to escape the violence there. This is one drum I'm sure Trump will make the most of beating, playing on the fears of the voters, like he did with the California shootings earlier, and the bombings in Europe. Now we will see if he doubles down on his plan to ban all Muslims from entering this country? Which of course is Unconstitutional.
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Re: New KJ, I have some questions

Post by Bigdog »

I support President Trump for many reasons....his father gave him $1 million...he turned it into billions...not too dumb. He made smart business deals.... Many people lost jobs in this country and the majority of the blame is corporate greed...nothing more...since Obama became president he killed many full time jobs with Obamacare...and his latest job killer is $15 minimum wage... Sure some key people will get $15 an hour the rest will get unemployment and food stamps ...another major milestone for big O more people on food stamps than any other time in history....great accomplishment...the only people better off today than 7 years ago are the rich....middle class and lower class have lost big no we are not better off today than before the big O disaster...

The list of charges against Hilary is growing tell me why and how people can ignore her wrong doings? She's as dirty as they come...dishonest, crooked, lying, cheating, uncaring, selfish, the list goes on and she was sleeping during the modern in Benghazi ....thought she was supposed to answer the phone ar 3 AM.... HA ha ha ha ...die now I'm sleeping... Goodbye...forever...they died on her watch because of her inaction....

I keep saying all the politicians need to move more towards the does the voting population.....liberals are all too far left and have been for too long....California needs to drop into the ocean...
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