
Do you remove songs from your songbooks?

Anything that doesn't fit in another category.

Do you remove songs from your songbooks that you don't want people to sing at your shows?

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Post by letitrip »

Wow Hank, interesting perspective. See we're (my business partner and I) are very lucky to play in a club where we have a number of very very talented singers. But you know what, the drunks that get up there and make complete goons of themselves, barely singing the songs and stumbling over the mics often times are the ones that get the crowd most riled up (including the *good* singers).

The way we've approached our business is somewhat similar to Marlena in so much that we run a Karaoke SHOW. We started our business cuz we got so tired of boring KJ's who are nothing more than a human jukebox or are complete jerks skipping singers and running unfair rotations. If someone "kills the show" we fix it, not by not letting them sing again, but rather by getting up off our butts and getting the crowd whipped back up. We do this one of two ways. Either singing a well known popular song and going around the bar getting people to sing with us and dancing with them, etc or if we have a long rotation we'll still work the bar that way but while someone else is singing. Its our job as a KJ to make sure the show is entertaining, not the singers' job. We're getting paid, not them. As wiseguy mentioned, I'd have a hard time playing in a club that felt they could dictate the show to me. We work with them to get it right but if a club ever told me to skip a singer simply because of what/how they sing, that'd likely be our last night there.

That said, I've never removed a song from our book. I had gone through a lot of work to weed out duplicates before having the revalation that I shouldn't even do that. People like different versions of the same song for different reasons so I like it that the regulars can remember which version they liked best and continue to sing it. Also I'm a purist when it comes to Karaoke, we're their to entertain, not produce. In other words, I'm not a production engineer trying to put on the perfect concert, I'm an entertainer there to make sure everyone's having a good time. As much as I would love to pull out songs like "Goodbye Earle" (almost always sung by a group of screaming *singers*) I also know that those are popular songs that people like to sing.

Find ways to take even the most annoying, ear-piercing singer and make them fun for the crowd. Your show and your venue will benefit.

BTW: Based on your 1/5 rule, I'd never sing at one of your shows. As a long time Karaoke junkie before becoming a KJ, a lot of the songs I enjoy singing most are in that range that you've removed.

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Post by Marlena »

I have a rule at my karaoke show and it has worked great for 4 years. if there is swearing in the song then use it. if there is no swearing then don't attempt it.. they listen and i don't have any problems.
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Post by Bigdog »

The type of music you play dictates the type of crowd you'll have. I don't want swearing, screaming drunks all night. They can go to my crap competition. :lol:

Just so happens the last week I had a crowd of 10 older people sitting at one table. Having a great time. Until... A girl sang "You Oughta Know". One of the few swearing songs still in the book. Guess which word she had to scream out 3 times louder than the rest of the song. Guess who got offended and some left. Guess who they are talking about and who's reputation just took a hit? Mine...

I run professional karaoke, not kindergarden karaoke.

If some punk thinks I should have every swearing song in the book just for them, they can spend $50,000 dollars, like I did and they can swear at all of their shows, if they get any.

I respect my crowds whether they are young or old. Singers and non singers. I don't want anyone being offended.

Why does everyone think they need to swear during the song? Radio stations do not play any song that isn't edited. So why do you feel you should play unedited versions? Give me one good reason.
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Post by Bigdog »

Something else...I only list one version of any song.

I pick the version that comes as close to the one everyone remembers hearing from the radio. It's the one that 99% of the singers sing along with at home or in the car. So why would I want to list or play one that doesn't even come close, most of the times? Just a waste of paper. I have 10,000 one of a kind songs. No dupes listed in the customer book. Just in the masters.
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Post by Marlena »

I have the following songs in my book

1) Crazy B****
2) The Rodeo Song
3) Medium Pace
4) Vibrator song
5) Ode To My Car
6) Strokin'
7) Letter To My P****
8) A**H***
9) I 95 Song
10) Detatchible P****
11) Sit On My Face
12) Do Wah Ditty
13) Sir Psycho Sexy
14) How Many Licks
15) Too Drunk To F*ck
16) Hummers In Heaven
17) Without Me
18) Because I Got High
19) Summer Nights (ADULT VERSION)
20) Short D*** Man
21) Mouth
22) She Hates Me
23) Figured You Out

Along with a whole bunch that i just can't remember right now. Do They Offend Some People? The Question should be.. Do I Care? If You Start Editing People's Freedom Of Speech Then You Better Go Back over your entire book.. removing Such songs like "STAND BY YOUR MAN" which is completely degrading to women. Any title or song with the word Ind**n in it, cause it's racist not to mention N**ger as well. Any Rap Or Hip Hop Song about killing someone or someone's murder. IF YOU START editting your clients song choices you are in for a world of trouble. Do I Care what they sing? NO it's not my job to Judge people or their song choices. My Job Is To keep my integerity, keeping a rein on your clients that are over abusing foul language. Turning their microphones off or taking it away if you have to repeatedly tell them. If it's in the song let them sing it. if it isn't then tell them no accessive swearing.. if they do.. then revoking priveledge for the night WILL get them to stop the extra profanity. ALSO I agree with wiseguy, Your clients need to understand YOU ARE in a bar not a church and not a school there are no minors to worry about and that it's life and it's normal and it's time to build a bridge.. and get over it. As Far as functions with children then the answer is absolutely NO swearing or songs with foul language.

WOW can I ramble lol.. Sorry Wiseguy, It's a Bad habit of mine.

Just My Thoughts, Entitled or Not.

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Post by wiseguy »

Marlena, we think so much alike it's scary. Great Post!
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Post by Bigdog »

In private I swear like a drunken sailor. (My only bad habit) In public I do with certain friends. At karaoke I'm a professional all the way. That includes how I respect and treat my cliental.

If you have no respect for your singers (crowd) then what do you have? Not everyone is 21 and wants to hear that kind of stuff.

As I said it's not on any radio station or even on jukeboxs in bars. I still do not see your need to do it. Yes everyone is adults, so they should all act like jerks? Why does being in a bar mean that anything goes? I think it says alot about your karaoke business reputation. To me it says, you do not care. Just pay me and everything's good.

I feel I can attract a broader, more civilized range of cliental without that stuff. Being in a bar does not mean FREE-FOR-ALL time. It shows no respect to women and a lot of men don't do it in public, either. You may think it's OK, but much of your crowd will not. Will you play all those songs for the entire family to enjoy during the holidays?

I lost a job over "Ode to my Car." Grandma will love to hear you sing this one to her. Try it, she's an adult. It really goes over good at the PTA meetings. My Minister sings it during lulls in the service. Keeps them from falling asleep.

My competition plays anything. Guess who has more steady jobs? If you had to pick a KJ, who would you hire for your bar?? One that shows some respect or one that doesn't care??? I play in respectable bars. My play anything competition, works most of the places I won't work. I have more dignity. I attract singers that show some class and take karaoke more seriously. They appreciate the fact that I show respect for the entire crowd. They do not want to hear those kind of songs all night. (Even A little bit)

I have taken karaoke to a higher level. I'm not all about screaming drunks and anything goes. I treat karaoke as a respectable form of "entertainment." Not just let's get drunk and scream swear words all night. That's cool..... When you're 14-15.
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Post by wiseguy »

I lost a job over "Ode to my Car." Grandma will love to hear you sing this one to her. Try it, she's an adult. It really goes over good at the PTA meetings. My Minister sings it during lulls in the service. Keeps them from falling asleep.
Neither my Grandma nor my Minister attend many of my karaoke shows. And I've yet to perform at a PTA meeting. I do however have a regular that does an excellent job of "Ode To My Car". He has the crowd in hysterics every time he sings it. In fact, if he does not request the song, he will be pestered until he does.
I have taken karaoke to a higher level. I'm not all about screaming drunks and anything goes. I treat karaoke as a respectable form of "entertainment." Not just let's get drunk and scream swear words all night. That's cool..... When you're 14-15.
You have taken karaoke to the "Old Ladies Auxiliary Club" level which is way to boring for my crowds.
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Post by Marlena »

I agree with you Wiseguy. my most popular singers are those who have fun with the music AND who also do an AWESOME job of those songs. Now in saying that, ""now just let's get drunk and scream swear words all night", HOLD UP! WAIT A MINUTE! I never said anything about letting 'em Swear all night long. I do NOT swear at all while i am working not even off mic. BUT these songs are Karaoke songs, intended to be preformed as each artist did them. Without the foul language, you are taking away from what the artist meant by the song. It's not that i don't care about the customers or who's listening. To say that my show is any less because of it is just down right "below the belt". I am the most Popular Karaoke Show in 2 M.D.'s Which Consists of over 50 thousand people. Wether in the M.D of St. Paul Or Bonnyville. I could have 7 nights a week and 3 systems if i wanted to go that big. There are 7 karaoke hosts in this area and not 1 has the reputation i do. I have phone calls every day for new shows or private bookings. It isn't the Song that makes your show bad, it's how you handle it. It's unfortuneate that in your experience, you have had either a bad time with this music or have been subjected to a bad host who does not know how to handle it.

Your also forgetting something, "serious Karaoke", if that isn't the strangiest statement i have ever heard. Karaoke is about fun, no one is there trying to find a record deal or be signed by the latest label. My crowd starts at 18 and goes right up to a 92 year old man who sings roger whitaker. GOD BLESS Him. My singers party as a group they all clap for each other no matter how terrible. I have 1 woman who is completely deaf but she remembers songs from when she was a little girl and bless her heart she tries to sing them, off rhythm off tempo off key, but she lives for it and every one loves her. I have singers who get up and put on the best comedy act i've seen in years while they belt out their song. I have singers that walk around the bar pretending they are right in the original music videos. I have a client base of over 200 regular singers (ones that sing more than twice a month), at least 500 more that are periodically dropping in and hundreds more that just come to listen. I have over 50 singers every Friday night, sometimes you only get to sing twice in a 6 hour period. Karaoke is about fun PERIOD, the end, and if it isn't, then I quit!

The new bar where i recently took over a contract told me basically the same thing yu are saying. they said they don't like the singers just up on stage screaming and swearing in the mic, having every 2nd word profanity. That's why they approached me to come do their shows. I've been there 3 months, "swearing songs" and all. and they just finished signing me to a 4 year contract. I learnt very early on in this business how to handle such songs and i do it quite well.

Rambling again LOL.. sorry Just my opinion!

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Post by Bigdog »

You have taken karaoke to the "Old Ladies Auxiliary Club" level which is way to boring for my crowds.
Yes, but it's their busiest night. :lol:

I, after 14 years still have to over come the stereotype of what everyone still remembers as karaoke from the beginning. Screaming drunks, terrible sound system and nothing but bad singers.

I and my crowds really enjoy the fact that at the end of the night your ears don't hurt. It's a real enjoyable night to have most of the singers be average or above. Everyone has fun. I just had someone tell me last night that they felt like they were at a concert. (They obviously think all karaoke is bad screaming drunks) That's my kind of karaoke. It actually has real entertainment value along with the fun.

I did have 3 systems and worked 14 jobs a week. Doing it exactly they way I describe. Divorce fixed my over aboundance of systems. :roll:

There are owners that do not care about their reputation and allow anything. I work for the ones that care. There is a bar up the street that has a 21er crowd. The cops take all their calls from their parking lot (They use it as their sub station.) :lol: Underage drinking screaming drunks and trouble on a regular basis. I have taken the liberty of removing as much of the potential trouble as I can. My business reputation is solid.
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Post by Marlena »

" I, after 14 years still have to over come the stereotype of what everyone still remembers as karaoke from the beginning. Screaming drunks, terrible sound system and nothing but bad singers."

I never heard that. but i don't have screaming drunks, cause screamers get their microphones taken away, BECAUSE it can harm my amp/mixer. KARAOKE translate litterally to mean tone-deaf singers.

"It's a real enjoyable night to have most of the singers be average or above. "

So what do you do with the bad singers?

"I just had someone tell me last night that they felt like they were at a concert. "

It Wouldn't be the place I would go to Have an abundance of fun and have a few too many.

"There are owners that do not care about their reputation and allow anything. I work for the ones that care. There is a bar up the street that has a 21er crowd. The cops take all their calls from their parking lot (They use it as their sub station.) "

Your right there are TOO many bar owners that don't care, But it's not my problem, i'm there to entertain everyone. As long as they aren't hurting me or my equipment then HAVE AT 'ER! Where I live the big problem is having enough staff. There is an employee shortage. The problem I have is that i have too many customers and the bars allow themeselves to be over capacity.

"Underage drinking screaming drunks and trouble on a regular basis. "

Who's talking about underage drinkin'? I'm in Canada 18 is the legal drinking age.

"I have taken the liberty of removing as much of the potential trouble as I can. "

Wow, didn't realize you're apart of the "music-made-me-do-it" crowd. It's never worked in court. Music doesn't make a problem People do.

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Post by Bigdog »

If, for example you played only "Punk" music all night, what type of crowd would you end up with? They would be pretty wound up (slam dancing-moshing, etc) and not too tolerant of anyone that wasn't "Punk."

The type of music you play can and will influence how the crowd behaves/reacts. It's the reason that karaoke has it's lasting popularity. It can entertain all age groups and musical tastes at one time. Most bands can not do this. Most DJs can not do this.

Most of my bar owners appreciate the fact that I have edited my book.

Why is it that only young white guys and girls want to do all the rap/swearing songs?

I get a mixed crowd in some places where the older black people do not want to hear the new rap stuff and most of the old stuff. They are into the oldies.

My crowds want to know that they are going to be safe. Editing my song book eliminates the potential for some unrulyness.

About the karaoke stereotype. I can tell when it's 5 minutes to starting time. Anyone that still thinks karaoke is going to be a bunch of screaming drunks is headed for the door. I can set my watch to them.

About the young drinking age. Most of these kids want to drink to see how fast they can get wasted. Too much testoterone flying around. Too much manliness to prove. So if I don't have the music they are looking for (the ones with all the swearing) then they don't stick around. I can still have a full bar without the aggrivation. The chances of my $600 microphones getting abused is greatly decreased. I had a pair of punks high fiving the microphones together one night.

To me IMO, playing all of the swearing songs degrades the karaoke show. Shows lack of respect for the older patrons. Respect your elders. As I said most of my bar owners don't want that stuff going on either. A reputation is the only thing that brings/gets business. Be it a bar or a KJ. Nobody over 30 goes to the 21er trouble bar down the street. It's not what they want to be around for the obvious reasons. The elevated chance for trouble.
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Post by wiseguy »

We all have different styles in how we perform our karaoke shows. No one style works well in every situation. While Bigdog prefers, and does well with, the more mature and laid back crowds, these same crowds may find my style to be a bit radical for their tastes. On the other hand, my type of crowd would find Bigdog a bit boring and controlling. One style is no better than the other, just different and that's the way it has to be. What matters is that we all handle ourselves in a professional manner and that we treat everyone fairly. Everyone who goes to karaoke has one thing in common, they want to have fun. It's what they consider to be fun that separates them.
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Post by Bigdog »

Every age group is more than welcome to come regularly to my shows. However be prepared to conduct yourself in a respectable manner.

Over 21 we are all adults, so why can't we all act like it and have fun together? No need for drunks screaming & swearing and cop killing and pimping and dope dealing in the music. Whatever happened to old fashioned fun? No one offending one another.

Someone singing (screaming out 4 times louder than the rest of the lyrics) all the swear words in songs, is no different than someone subjecting me to reefer or crack cocaine smoke, if I'm not in to it.

The established norm for mainstream society of adult age, is not drunken outrageous, disrespectful, immature, insulting behavior in any bar. Regardless of the entertainment type.

The majority of singers may put up with it, but I'm sure if they had a voice in the matter they would tell you to eliminate it.

Take a survey at your karaoke show, be brave and ask everyone what they honestly think about it. Asking about it on here doesn't do the question justice.
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Post by wiseguy »

Over 21 we are all adults, so why can't we all act like it and have fun together? No need for drunks screaming & swearing and cop killing and pimping and dope dealing in the music. Whatever happened to old fashioned fun? No one offending one another.
In my country, adults have the right to do anything they want as long as they are not breaking any laws. Expressing their own personality does not make them disrespectful. As karaoke hosts, me, nor you, have the right to pass moral judgment. We do not have the obligation, nor the invitation, to protect people from the realities of life.

You Bigdog, are imposing your own morality in a public venue where you have no right to do so.