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Post by Bigdog »

Are any of your crowds & white?

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Post by OnTheMicDJs »

I'm not sure what you're getting at with this question, but we have quite a diverse group at all of our venues: Whites, blacks, hispanic...we actually added a Spanish karaoke collection recently which people have really responded well to.

Like I said before, we don't focus on these types of music or lyrics...but they are out there and I don't find it in my best interest to discriminate against those individuals who like to sing these songs. With that being said, I do not allow people to go only cursing "rants" over the mic. If the words are on the screen, I allow it...but no added explitives. All of our customers are extremely respectful of the "rules". They, like everyone else, are just out to have a good time. Just because it is a song that you or I may not personally care for, doesn't mean it is any less entertaining. There are plenty of songs performed every day at our venues that make me want to stab myself in the ears with a rusty butter knife, but I don't stop them from singing it...I get over it! Judging by our continued growth and constant following at all of our venues, we must be doing something right.
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Post by Bigdog »

I have some older black singers that don't care to hear the N-word and the majority of my singers don't want/need to hear the swearing and cop killing and drug dealing Hos.. I had a redneck tonight (why are they always 6'10" & loud mouths) that just has to do the unwritten 3rd verse of Friends in Low Places so he can scream out you can kiss my A**. Now that's entertainment.... Thank God for rednecks......and the best part of the story is...He was so drunk he screwed up the entire song because he couldn't read it fast enough, or focus on the words...(and he sings it every week.) Then he had to tell us how he F...ed up the song...Like we didn't know.......Gee I didn't notice anything...did you? Sounded perfect to me...sing another one ...please...

Believe me.... everyone could have done very nicely without his rendition...later he totally screwed up another song....NOT MY IDEA of entertainment. Not a quality I need for my show. There is no way I could put up with a majority crowd of his caliber. Nor would I want to try to attract it.

How does it enhance your show?

How is it beneficial to the communty standards?

Will your show die without it?

Nobody complains about the edited versions on the radio. There are millions of radio listeners of all ages, that spend billions of dollars buying products advertized on the radio between edited songs.

You are not discriminating against anyone. You are using good judgement, that they don't seem to possess for some unknown reason. It's your reputation. Not theirs. You are NOT respecting the singers and non singers that don't enjoy that crap talk. To cater to a MINORITY of jerks that think it's cute to be swearing on the microphone like a bunch of 3rd graders.

I don't think it's good business. For you or the bar owner. Let's put it this way. You are not helping the bar to bring in and keep high quality/caliber people. So you think the minority is worth siding with over the majority. If the majority likes it and wants it, then you have crowds that I don't care to have/entertain. They have to go somewhere and it may as well be to your show.

Attracting a high caliber crowd can never hurt your business/reputation. I'm not going to argue that you are not popular or making money. Crack dealers are popular with crack addicts. Everyone has an audience.

I would rather do business with the upper half of the spectrum. I have respect for my business and my crowds.

Even with the "Rules". There is way too much swearing. I have them swearing when the words aren't even there. They take it upon themselves to make the correction. Like we needed to hear it that way. Thanks so much...for shouting it out 10 times louder than you are singing the rest of the lyrics...wouldn't want to miss any of them.

I don't have respect for someone that doesn't have respect for me. So don't be disrespecting my show/crowds with your junk. That you somehow think we need. I have quality singers and don't need or want people that just want to act like jerks. My competition has a house full of them..well not a full house, more like 1/2 -3/4 empty...they can keep them all...

I had 24 quality singers tonight and 1 jerk...It sure makes for an enjoyable evening. That's my reputation....
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Post by Bigdog »

One more thing...I'm not talking about financial high class. It has to do with acting high class/mature.
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Post by OnTheMicDJs »

I have said my piece on this topic. I choose to allow this music and it works for me. You choose to not allow it and it works for you. Next topic please...
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Post by DanG2006 »

You know Bigdog won't let this go by without anymore comment. When will he get it in his head that his way isn't the only way? My best guess: never. :P
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Post by letitrip »

I think you can go back through every thread here where Bigdog has disagreed with someone and you'll see who's post is the last in each thread. You just have to get used to his need to have the last word on every topic.
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Post by wiseguy »

letitrip wrote:I think you can go back through every thread here where Bigdog has disagreed with someone and you'll see who's post is the last in each thread. You just have to get used to his need to have the last word on every topic.
Except for this one. It is now locked!