
Tonights Guest Jerk.

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How to Build a Home Karaoke System
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Tonights Guest Jerk.

Post by Bigdog »

Had a great night going until....

There was a birthday party in the back room. People were coming through the bar all night long to get drinks and taking them back there. They were busy partying.

Well they decide to come out in the last hour and a half. One guy starts filling out slips like they are least 6-7 with his name on them. Then others in the group start turning in slips.

I had 16-17 singers and their crew ups that to 21. 16 singers means an hour rotation.

He comes up and says he's getting bytched at because they aren't constantly singing because we turned in all our songs a long time ago.

Well excuse me....I'll throw everyone elses slips away that have been in front of me all night just so you and your pals can take over. I explained that I had 20 singers and it's going to be a while. Somehow they can't grasp the concept of fair turn taking.

I think I'm going to print new rotation rules. Short and sweet.

#1. I'm not here to cater to exclusively to your A&&. And I won't.

#2. Eveyone takes their turn in the rotation and it doesn't matter how many slips you handed me in the last 20 minutes.

#3. I don't care how much money you spent here.

#4. I don't care how good you sing and can get the crowd "going."

#5. If you don't like the first 4 rules you can take yourself to some other lame A&& karaoke show that needs and wants your business. Bye!!! :shock:

The preceeding rules were put into place because some jerks just can't understand how things work. If you don't like the new rules, I'll point out the jerks and you can deal with them.

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Post by soundtech »

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by Bigdog »

I forgot to mention that everytime it was jerks turn to sing...he started the song, screwed it up and passed the microphone off to one of his pals to finish. :evil:

So why did he want to sing so much???? :evil:

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Post by Moonrider »

Bigdog wrote:I forgot to mention that everytime it was jerks turn to sing...he started the song, screwed it up and passed the microphone off to one of his pals to finish.
In situations like these, I often find solace in these words from Robert Heinlein:

"Stupidity cannot be cured with money, or through education, or by legislation. Stupidity is not a sin, the victim can't help being stupid. But stupidity is the only universal capital crime; the sentence is death, there is no appeal, and execution is carried out automatically and without pity."

They'll eventually get themselves killed and out of our hair.
Last week, I went to Philadelphia, but it was closed.
Posts: 2937
Joined: Wed Jan 31, 2007 2:15 am

Post by Bigdog »

One more to add to the list.

We don't reserve songs. If you want to sing it first, sing it now. Don't wait.
Posts: 2937
Joined: Wed Jan 31, 2007 2:15 am

Post by Bigdog »

1st Guest Jerk (GJ) of the new year tonight. :roll: :x

Joe family is sitting with another couple using 2 tables pushed together. 2 or 3 rug rats running around. They just happen to be where I need to set up. So I tell the bartender to move them. Well they move their tables about 1 foot. Good start but about 4 feet short of where they actually need to be. So I tell jerk that the tables need to be in line with the others. He gives me a stupid reply. He says "We're patrons. Tell the bartender." WTF :shock: :? {What the hell does that mean?}

I said again the tables need to be moved a little more. Now it appears they are done eating. He again says, "We're patrons." {Whatever JERK}

Patron or not, what excuse is that to be ignorant about it? Why is it there always has to be some A&& that thinks because they are buying dinner or drinks that they have exclusive privledges and common coustesy doesn't apply to them. We didn't ask you to kill anyone. Just move your table a few feet so another human being can do his JOB. A little respect JERK..... :evil:

Now I can't say what I really want to say, so I just walked outside to start bringing some of the equipment in. One of the employees saw what went on so he helped me keep the door open so the very cold wind would blow in... :lol: It's 9 degrees out now.

Jerk Wad took his time trying to find money in his wallet. The rug rats were in the way and wondering around while I brought in what I could.

Here is the kicker...remember what I told you about the tall genes and the A&&hole genes???? They go together. Well you guessed it. He's 6 foot something tall. It's always someone you can't beat up.... :evil:

He finally left but it looked like he was trying to wait me out like he wanted to say something to me. I waited him out...outside watching them through the window. He wanted to make an issue out of it. WHY??? :shock:

I would love to go to his job and act like a jerk and be in his way for a while. :twisted:

My prediction is that corporate will get a phone call and there will be a big story made up about the rude KJ that actually wanted us (patrons) to move our table so he could go to work. JERK What nerve.

He's lucky it's not my bar. His choice would have been to pay your bill & walk out in 3 minutes or take an ambulance ride. Ever have your A&& kicked in front of your wife & kids??? And don't come back because we don't cater to jerks.

Yes he is a paying customer.... but now his is messing with bar income by holding up the nights entertainment.

Common curtesy was all that was asked of him and he wanted to turn it into an issue.
Posts: 2937
Joined: Wed Jan 31, 2007 2:15 am

Post by Bigdog »

The other night before the show some guy and girl came up to my table. He can't stop talking long enough for me to get a word in edge wise. Must have been coked up. Anyway he goes on and on about how good my singers are and blah, blah, blah. She starts out with " I know you hate me."

I can't even remember when and where I have even seen her before. Buy she said something about me not letting her sing last week. Probably came in way too late to get one in.

I ended up with 35 singers that night. He's at least a half hour away from singing again. She came up and asked when he was up again. I made a mistake of saying a half hour. Well in the meantime several more singers came up and put in songs. That made his half hour move back more. She and him came back up and she asked when he was up. I told her a half hour. She said that a half hour ago. I said more singers came in. He trys to give me money to move him up. She starts calling me an a&&hole. :shock: :x :evil:

I maintained my professional cool...but I was getting real close to having them ejected for good. Later she came up and wanted to put in another song and she apologised to me but I don't believe she meant it.

Don't mess with the KJ that has the power to ban you forever. :twisted: :wink:
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